Set-up Project Close Approver

1. Within the Company Profile, scroll down to the "Approver Responsibilities" section. This is the section where you can assign a responsibility to a User. 

2. Once you’ve reach the "Approver Responsibilities" section, go to the ‘Project: Close Approver’ Field. 


For the Responsibilities: ‘Project: Close Approver’, each company role can be assigned as an approver at a ‘Company level’, or ‘Project Specific’. To do this, click the dropdown menu and choose the appropriate data (E.g. Team Member can’t approve a project closure, Portfolio Manager is the Project Close Approver at a “Company Level”, and Project Manager is the Project Close Approver at “Project Specific” Level). 


3. To make the "Project Department Approver" as the project close approver, tick the checkbox provided. 




4. To remove an Approver’s right from a Role, untick the box or choose “No” in the dropdown menu