1. Project Issues Trend Calculations

To view the Project Issue Trend, scroll to the upper right corner of the ‘Issue Register’ page and hover over ‘Trend’.


Trend Period:
A ‘Trend Period’ is equal to 1 calendar week

Trend History:
 Displays the previous 4 periods of the trend

Current Trend Update Frequency:
 Every update, edit, addition, etc. to the Issue section within the current trend period

Trend Icon Calculation:

  1. Improved: Total Issues that are ‘Open’ have reduced when compared to Last Trend Period 
  2. No Change: Total Issues that are ‘Open’ are the same when compared to Last Trend Period 
  3. Worsened: Total Issues that are ‘Open’ have increased when compared to Last Trend Period


Note: Open Issue = The count of ALL Issues that are currently 'Open' (this EXCLUDES 'New Pending Review'     Issues, ‘Resolved’ Issues, ‘Deleted’ issues but INCLUDES 'Pending Update Review' Issues)

Issue Trend Calculation Sample: