1. Video

You can check the video for a walkthrough of how to add an Issue within the Project.

2. Create a New Project Issue

1. Click the ‘Issues’ tab from the left sidebar of the page and then click the + New Issue’ button.



2. Input all Information in the New Issue form (Issue Name, Description, Priority, Work Stream, End Date, Next Review Date, Owner, Participants, Resolution Plan) then click the ‘Add Issue’ button to save the data.


3. Managing Governance:

  • If the User who created the Issue is not an Approver, the Issue will be reflected in the ‘Pending Issues’ table. (This action sends an Approval Request Email Notification to the Approver/s and action is added in the Project Actions Audit and Overall Actions Log).


  • If the User who created the Issue is an Approver, the Issue is auto-approved and becomes a Live Issue shown at the Live Issue Register. (This action sends an Email Notification to all users set to receive notification for an Issue Added and action is added to the Project Notifications and Overall Notifications Log).