Portfolio Resource Management
1. Update a Portfolio Resource 1. In the ‘Resources’ page, go to ‘Filters’ section then click any ‘Resource’ item you want to update. 2. Then upd...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:19 PM
1. Remove a Portfolio Resource 1. Once you reach ‘Resources’ page, navigate to ‘Filters’ section then click any ‘Resource’ item you want to remove. ...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:19 PM
1. Navigate Portfolio All Roles To navigate to the ‘Portfolio All Roles’ page, open the Project Focus HQ tool using this link https://app.projectfocus...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:21 PM
1. Filter Portfolio All Roles by Departments Within the ‘Roles’ page, go to ‘Filters’ section and click dropdown button in the ‘Departments’ field. Once...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:22 PM
1. Filter Portfolio All Roles by Projects Within the ‘Roles’ page, navigate to ‘Filters’ section. Once done, click ‘dropdown’ button then select the pro...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:22 PM
1. Search a Portfolio Role In the ‘Roles’ page, navigate to ‘Filters’ section then type in the name of the role in the ‘Search’ field. Once done, click ...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:22 PM
1. Download Portfolio Roles Within the ‘Roles’ page, navigate to the ‘Filters’ section then click the ‘download’ menu icon. Once done, choose a file to ...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:23 PM
1. Add a New Portfolio Role 1. Within the ‘Roles’ page, click ‘+Add Role’ button. 2. Then provide the necessary information in the form (Name, ...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:24 PM
1. Update a Portfolio Role 1. In the ‘Roles’ page, go to ‘Filters’ section then click any ‘Role’ item you want to update . 2. Then provide necess...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:24 PM
1. Remove a Portfolio Role 1. Within the ‘Roles’ page, go to ‘Filters’ section then click any ‘Resource’ item you want to remove. 2. Once you rea...
Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 at 2:24 PM