Pipeline Dashboard
1. Navigate the Approved Opportunity 1. In the ‘Pipeline’ page, click the ‘Approved Opportunity’ tile. 2. Once done, the Projects under the App...
Wed, 25 Nov, 2020 at 7:07 PM
1. Navigate the Pipeline Kick-Off (Full Kitting) 1. In the ‘Pipeline’ page, click the ‘Kick-Off (Full Kitting)’ tile. 2. Once done, the Projects u...
Wed, 25 Nov, 2020 at 7:07 PM
1. Navigate the Pending Approval Tile 1. In the ‘Pipeline’ page, click on the ‘Pending Approval’ tile. 2. Once done, the Projects under Pending Appr...
Wed, 25 Nov, 2020 at 7:08 PM