Company Settings:

Applies across whole Company, includes:

  • Project Lifecycle phases

  • Departments and Category filters

  • Templates and Governance Checklists

  • Risk Heatmap and Category

  • Benefits category

  • RAG Status (Overall, Schedule, Budget, Risk, Issue)

    Accessing Company Settings Profile 

    • Access the Company Profile by clicking the top right corner of the application

    • Navigate and hover over the company name you are in

    • Click the ‘Gear’ icon that appears upon hover

      Client Company Details Setup
          Click Edit to update Company Name, Address, Time Zone etc.

      Project Lifecycle

      Company Template Settings:
      Approver Responsibilities:Permissions at this level, are allocated to the role, which is then applied across either all projects within the company, or are project specific, depending on the selection
      Company Access Level:
      Choose from  Update, View or None’ access to specific sections, providing access across the whole Company
      Choose from ‘Company/Team, Individual or None’ for other sections

      Company Terminology

      Update label for Departments, Category, Business Sponsor, Project Sponsor to be Company specific.
      This will then display throughout the Application

      Departments and Categories Filters
      Add New or Update Departments and Categories to assist with Reporting and filtering data in the application

      Benefit Categories
      Use benefit categories and sub-categories to group Company benefits and enable ability to roll-up progress against specific categories e.g. Cost Efficiencies at a Company Level

      Pipeline Governance Checklist
      Use checklists to embed Company governance processes during the initial phases of a project lifecycle
      Link to forms, document templates etc that can be completed, attached and reviewed prior to stage gate approval

      Risk Management

      • Configure Risk Management to suit your organisations risk framework and naming conventions.
      • Configure Rating Names

      • Configure Impact/Probability Titles

      • Configure Initial/Residual Titles

      • Configure Automatic Escalation

      • Configure Rating Colours and the number of impacts and probabilities as required.

        Risk & Issue Categories and Risk Stages 

      • Check boxes on/off to update Risk & Issue Categories to assist in grouping Risks & Issues when managing and reporting against Projects and Portfolios

      • Check boxes on to select Risk Stages - used to categorise the progress of a Risk through its lifecycle

        Custom RAG Status

        Additional RAG Status’ can be created in addition to default RAG Status 

        • Overall

        • Schedule

        • Budget

        • Risk

        • Issues

          RAG Status is used as indicator in Project/Portfolio 

          Project Configuration

          Additional (Optional) custom fields can be configured at particular phases of the lifecycle or added to specific modules at a Company Level

          Click Module Name or Project Phase to configure additional fields (up to 6)

          Company Wide Roles

          Configured roles that are used in identifying Resource Demand across all projects