1. Filter the Portfolio Risk Actions

1. To filter a Risk ‘Action’ within a Portfolio, click the ‘Risk Management’ tab from the left side bar of the page. Once done, navigate to the ‘Portfolio Risk Register’ and then click the ID of the Portfolio Level Risk that you want to update. 


2. Once done, you will reach the Project Risk Details. Go to the ‘Actions’ section.

3. You can filter the Risk Actions by 'Type', ‘Assignee’, ‘Due Date’ or ‘Status’. Please see below.

3.1. To Filter the Portfolio Risk Action by Type, click the ‘Type’ dropdown menu and choose the desired data. To view all items, select ‘All’.

3.2. To Filter the Portfolio Risk Action by Assignee, click the ‘Assigned To’ dropdown menu and choose the desired data. To view all items, select ‘All’.

3.3. To Filter the Portfolio Risk Action by Due Date, click the ‘Due Date’ dropdown menu and choose the desired data. To view all items, select ‘All’.

3.4. In order to Filter the Portfolio Risk Action by Status, click the ‘Status’ dropdown menu and choose the desired data. To view all items, select ‘All Status’.