1. Add a New Portfolio Level Risk (without Risk Template)
Add the Risk information and all the details that are so the risk can be properly registered and reviewed at any time.
1. To add a ‘Risk’ within a Portfolio, click the ‘Risk Management’ tab from the left side bar of the page. Once done, click the ‘+ New Risk’ button as shown below.
2. The Risk Template selection dialog appears.
To create a Risk without any data or pre-populated fields, select 'Empty Risk Template'.
NOTE: You can click the Esc key or click outside the Risk Template selection dialog in order to create a Risk without any data or pre-populated fields.
3. Tick the 'Portfolio Level' checkbox to indicate that a Portfolio Level Risk is added. Then, enter the desired data in the required fields in the 'Overview', 'Monitoring and Control,' 'Analysis', and 'Response Planning' sections.
4. Once all the mandatory/ required data fields have been accomplished, click the 'diskette icon' found at the upper right corner of the page or click the 'Save' button on the bottom part of the page to save the Risk item.