1. Export current financial data
- Navigate to Portfolios, Company Portfolio
- Click on Settings
- Click on Portfolio CSV Export and select the ‘Budget Management’ Export
- A Zip File will download
- Open the File and select the CSV called ‘Budget Management Project Level’
- This can be used as a Template to update the actuals for ALL Project the Environment
2. Preparing Template for Uploading Actuals
a. Remove columns for ‘previous data’ that is not required for updating Actuals as follows:
- Column G – Change Request ID
- Column H – Change Request Value
- Column I to Column R – FY Totals columns
- Column T onwards – remove any previous and future Financial data columns, such as Nov-21,Dec-21 etc. Leave only the month you are loading Actuals against, generally the previous month.
- Leave all Rows in the File (Baseline, Forecast, Actuals), but can filter by Actuals for ease of population
- Note: For Actuals, the system will allow you to update the historical values, and the current month (not future). Can not update previous Forecast/Baseline without a change request.
b. Once redundant columns are removed, the Headers for the Financial columns must be in the following date format (eg 04/2022):
- Updates can then be made to each Actual row, per Project Cost item. OR, for simplicity, Filter by just Actuals and make the updates.
- Save the file locally (ensure it is still CSV format)
Tip: If you close the file, and reopen it to make changes before uploading, the Date Format will revert back and you will need to update again.
3. Uploading the Actuals File
- Navigate to Portfolios, Company Portfolio
- Navigate to Budget Management Module
- Select the Upload Cost button
- Choose the following in the Import Form options:
- Budget Import Type: Project Budget Import
- Attachment: Upload locally saved CSV template
- Existing Data Handling: Update Existing Items
- Cost Data (first column): Choose the first period containing financial data
- Click Next
- Select Fields to Update. Add ‘Baseline/Forecast/Actual’ field
- Select Saved Mapping. Choose ‘PFHQ Portfolio Budget Management Module Mapping’.
- Fields in the CSV should map correctly to fields in the system. Select Import.
Note: Warning Messages
Yellow Warning Messages - choose Skip Data. This will progress the Import and ignore the warnings.
- “Invalid Period” – Even where there is no amount in the Actuals period, this warning may signify a project that does not extend to the dates the file is attempting to update. This is just a warning and can be ignored.
- “Invalid Change Request (B) value, Can not update baseline costs for past periods without a valid approved scope change request.” – this will occur if you have past periods in the file, for example, updating historical Actuals.
Red Warning Messages - choose Skip Data. The Import will still work, and these rows will not update
- “Project already Closed” – there is a project that has closed, and therefore can not receive updates to Actuals. These rows will not update. Choosing Skip Data will continue to update other rows.