Deactivation/Cancellation of User Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
1. Log-in to Focus HQ
2. Go to User Profile, then click on “Multi-factor authentication settings (MFA)” link.
3. You will be directed to the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Settings page. Here you have the options:
a. Deactivate MFA
b. Cancel MFA
If you Deactivate MFA, the QR code and recovery codes remain valid, and you can easily activate it again.
If you Cancel MFA, the QR code and recovery codes will be invalidated. You can enrol again by scanning a new QR code and saving new recovery codes.
4. If you proceed with Deactivation or Cancellation, you can login normally (without MFA code) given that the Company does NOT enforce MFA.
If the Company requires MFA but you have Deactivated MFA, when you login you will be directed to Special restricted mode page again. You will have to 'Activate MFA' and logout and login again. The company policy is still enforced.
If the Company requires MFA but you have Cancelled MFA, when you login you will be directed to Special restricted mode page again. You will have to 'Enrol in MFA'. Refer to User-Level MFA Enrollment and login again. The company policy is still enforced.