Schedule Trend:

Improved (Green)If the ‘Actual Percent Complete’  for the Entire Project Progress is greater than the ‘Planned Percent Complete’ for the Entire Project Progress.
No Change (Amber)If the ‘Actual Percent Complete’ for the Entire Project Progress is exactly equal to the ‘Planned Percent Complete’ for the Entire Project Progress.
Worsened (Red)If the ‘Actual Percent Complete’ for the Entire Project Progress is less than the ‘Planned Percent Complete’  for the Entire Project Progress.

Budget Trend:


Improved (Green)

Improved impact to Project - Movement is less than or equal to -5% 

No Change (Amber)

No change to previous period - Movement is greater than -5% but less than +5% (-5% < +5%)

Worsened (Red)

Decline impact to Project - Movement is greater than or equal to +5%

Risk Trend:


Improved (Green)

Decrease in the number of Open Risks in the Project

No Change (Amber)

No change  in the number of Open Risks in the Project

Worsened (Red)Increase in the number of Open Risks in the Project

Issue Trend:


Improved (Green)

Decrease in the number of Open Issues in the Project

No Change (Amber)

No change  in the number of Open Issues in the Project

Worsened (Red)Increase in the number of Open Issues in the Project