Hello Everyone,
Focus HQ is pleased to share with you the latest application enhancements which are being progressively rolled out to all users over the next two weeks.
Release changes - summary
The latest version of Focus HQ includes the following new functionality and improvements:
- Stage 1 (Ideation) & Stage 2 (Feasibility) - New UI/UX
- Default Field Renaming
- Data Table Column State Saving
- Bulk import Risk data via CSV at the company level
- Budget: Ability to enter Actuals prior to the end month
- Views: See what “Portfolio” and “Project” users can view
- Reporting: Turn off reports at a Project or Portfolio level
Know more by checking this video:
A more detailed description and guide of the changes is provided below for your reference. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Focus HQ Customer Support Team.
Release changes – detailed
1. Stage 1 (Ideation) & Stage 2 (Feasibility) - New UI/UX
This update includes re-design of the "VIEW/EDIT" and the 'Transition Pages and refine the approval workflow process to be easier.
2. Default Field Renaming
This enhancement allows users to re-name Default Fields such as Project Sponsor, Business Sponsor, Department, and Categories. This means greater flexibility for a Company to name the fields accordingly and fit to their business use.
3. Data Table Column State Saving
Within Project List Page, this update allows user to:
Tick columns on/off
Re-order columns
Save Column Settings
4. Bulk import Risk data via CSV at the company level
The Import/upload Project risks and portfolio risks at the Main and Sub portfolio level is already existing, so this update extends the functionality up to the Company Portfolio level as the highest. This will allow someone to update a Company Portfolio with all the corresponding project risks /main & sub-portfolio risks in one action and that he can easily and quickly update the associated risks.
5. Budget: Ability to enter Actuals prior to the end month
Currently, budget actuals can only be entered for Past Periods. With this update, user can already enter budget actuals even prior to the end of the month.
6. Views: See what “Portfolio” and “Project” users can view
Within 'People > User Page', we’ve added the ability to see what "Portfolio" and “Projects” a user can:
See (but not assigned to)
Assigned directly to (and can see)
7. Reporting: Turn off reports at a Project or Portfolio level
This update gives the ability to turn off Project/Portfolio Reporting for all Report Types (Weekly, Monthly, Fortnightly). This is a simple toggle on/off within Settings > Reporting Schedule section.
-End of Release Notes -
Questions or Walkthrough:
For any questions, or request for a walkthrough, please reach out to us via the Focus HQ Help or send us an email to support@focushq.com.