1. Update Project Schedule from Microsoft Project
1. To make changes in the Project Schedule and then upload to the Focus HQ tool using Microsoft Project, Project Schedule needs to be exported first in CSV format.
To export Project Schedule in CSV format, please check this link.
2. After downloading the Project Schedule CSV file, open Microsoft Project.
In Microsoft Project, configure the fields in the application to be similar to the fields in Focus HQ.
To configure the fields in Microsoft Project to be same as in Focus HQ, please check this link.
3. After configuring the fields, select all the data in the Project Schedule CSV file. Then right-click and select Copy.
4. Go back to Microsoft Project and paste all the data. To paste, right-click and select Paste.
Make sure that the data is correctly associated with the column configured in Microsoft Project. Update the values when needed.
5. Once done with the updates, you can save the file as MPP.
Go to File > Save As, and select the location of where you want to save the MPP file. Then, name the MPP file.
Or you can click CTRL + S, and a popup is displayed where you can name the MPP file and where you want to save it.
6. Export the updated Project Schedule from MPP as a CSV file.
To export the updated Project Schedule, click File > Save As.
In the location to save the file, click the select the Type to save as ‘CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv)’
Leave the file name as its default value, then click the Save button.
For versions of Microsoft Project that need Legacy Formats to be configured, please check this link.
7. After successfully exporting the updated CSV file, upload it to the Focus HQ tool.
To import the updated Schedule, please check this link.