Hello Everyone,
Focus HQ is pleased to share with you the latest application enhancements which are being progressively rolled out to all users over the next two weeks.
Release changes - Summary
The latest version of Focus HQ includes the following new functionality and improvements:
1. Bulk CSV Import of Projects
2. Portfolio Report Section Filters and Table Sorting
3. UI/UX Enhancements
A more detailed description and guide of the changes is provided below for your reference. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Focus HQ Customer Support Team.
Release changes - Detailed
1. Bulk CSV Import of Projects
A new feature has been added within the Project List page, providing a CSV import option that will allow a user to bulk create projects in Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3. This will also allow users to update projects that are in Stage 1 & 2, these updates would be to update data and/or move the projects through the Stage gates to the next stage.
The Bulk Import of Projects button/page appears as follows:
2. Portfolio Report > Project Summary Section Filtering and Table Sorting
The new design will allow user to define in his Reporting templates:
I. A filtering configuration for the Project Summary table on Portfolio reports, so that the table in the report only shows the data that is necessary.
A sorting configuration for the Project Summary table on Portfolio reports, so that the table in the report shows the data in an easily legible way and is grouped together by the values that is desired.
3. UI/UX Enhancements
I. Project Data Table > Project Lifecycle: Adding filter links into the table when users click on numbers of the project lifecycle
This improves interactivity to the project lifecycle diagram on the project list page that upon click will sort the project list table to the projects that are in the phase that has been selected. This way, a user can easily filter the project list page and identify what projects are in which phase.
The addition of links will be both in each "Project Stage" and the "Decision Diamonds".
II. Project Risks Details Page > Actions and Issues Data Table > “Add New” button
This provides added flexibility where a user can easily click to create New Actions or New Issues linked to the specific Risk.
4. UTF-8 Unicode Support
This enhancement is significantly implemented to support input and migration of data in languages other than English e.g. Korean, Japanese characters. This is done systemwide and includes the PDF exports, CSV downloads, and the tool’s Data pages.
-End of Release Notes -
Questions or Walkthrough:
For any questions, or request for a walkthrough, please reach out to us via the Focus HQ Help or send us an email to support@focushq.com.