Our warmest welcome to Focus HQ.
We are delighted to have this opportunity to bring you Focus HQ, a first-of-its-kind portfolio management platform that predicts, automates & guides all of your projects to success: From idea, to delivery & through benefits realisation.
Focus HQ is more than just project management and benefits realisation. It is a simple to operate cloud-based SaaS application that is specifically designed to give C-suite executives, portfolio managers, project managers and project teams every feature necessary for you to take control over your projects and drive them to success.
This is achieved by focusing on:
You can track and manage every project at every stage — the big, the small, the simple, the complex, and the agile. Then, you are presented with only the key information to facilitate faster and more proactive decision making.
You can mandate, automate and simplify the tracking of how your team operates to the organization's project governance framework. This includes process compliance, data integrity, user access control, approval limits, auditability and more.
Project alignment can be mapped to business strategy, benefit outcomes and operational scenarios – meaning that your project is not closed until the sign-off of actual business benefits has been realized.
A single source of truth
With Focus HQ you can get rid yourself of your non-integrated spreadsheets, PowerPoint Presentations and extraneous information streams, by implement a single source of truth for project decision making.
As with most tools, being familiar with each feature and its benefit is key to maximizing your value and minimizing the time you spend managing various sets of project data.
To ensure that you make the most from Focus HQ, we will send be sending through emails that walk you through how to input data within seconds (via templates/imports), use real-time dashboards (to gain visibility of leading / lagging indicators) and make informed decisions about what action you need to take (to achieve your desired outcome).
We are sending this information via email, so that you can maximise the automation within the application but also refer to them at any time.
Here at Focus HQ, we have what you need to help make that happen. And we want to give you the best experience in tracking your projects to ensure they’re completed on time. So, we would like to show you what’s around the tool to get yourself familiar with.
You can check out more details via this video below:
Important: Please ensure you have logged-into Focus HQ to start experiencing all the benefits the application (and your project) delivers.
You will have also received your log-in credentials to access Focus HQ but if not, just reply to this email and we are more than happy to help.
The first page you will be directed to after logging in is the Homepage, all your data is summarized across different tiles that you can navigate. All the counts are specific to the Projects, Programs, Portfolios, and more that you have access to.
Please check the video below on how to log-in and a quick walkthrough of the Homepage
Please also visit the Focus HQ Support Portal for more details:
Explore the Focus HQ application and the benefits that it can provide to the delivery of your projects.
Over the coming days, weeks and months, we will send you tips and tricks via email to ensure you push Focus HQ to its limits while we also assist with guiding you on how you can successful execute your projects and delivery tangible benefits.
If you have any other questions, you can reach out to us via the Focus HQ Help widget within the application, the support portal, replying to this email or sending us an email at: support@focushq.com