1. Video
You can check the video for a walkthrough of how to create a Project from Opportunity to Full-Kitting.
You can also check this video for a walkthrough of how to move a Project from Full-Kitting to Execution.
2. Pipeline Module Overview
The Pipeline Module is the storing of Opportunity/Idea data and is updated based on the progress of submission and approval of the project.
Once the user has logged into Focus HQ they can access the Pipeline Module from the home page, within the Pipeline four tiles will appear as listed below:
1. Opportunity
2. Approved Opportunity
3. Kick-off (Full-kitting)
4. Pending Approval
Note: The Pipeline Tiles can be renamed by customer to align with own methodology.
New pipeline projects can be created in the Pipeline Module by clicking on the “New Project” button.
During Pipeline setup, FHQ provides the ability to reverse a project back to the previous stage. Please note, using this functionality may cause data to be lost and will require data to be re-entered.
Step 1 Create a New Opportunity
Field | Mandatory Yes/No | Source | Screenshot |
Project Name | Yes | Project Name (max 128 characters) | |
Project ID | Yes | ‘Project ID’ is automatically updated by entering data into the ‘Project Name’ field. Or User has the option to manually assign an internal project ID reference | |
Description | Yes | Detailed description of project, e.g. purpose, objectives and deliverables | |
Portfolio | No | Select from dropdown list (will display Portfolios User has access) | |
Program | No | Select from dropdown list (will display Program User has access) | |
Department | Yes | Select from Company Customised Dropdown list | |
Project Category | Yes | Select from Company Customised Dropdown list. | |
Project Sponsor | Yes | Free Text Name of Project Sponsor/Key Contact Person, can be internal or external contact. | |
Business Sponsor | Yes | Free Text Name of Business Sponsor/Key Contact Person, can be internal or external contact. | |
From Cost Range | Yes | Estimate Cost Range (from and to can be the same amount) | |
Business Benefits | Yes | Free text max 250 characters to enter benefits | |
Estimated Key Milestone | Yes | Free Text – could be Project Milestones or Milestone for the project to proceed e.g. Funding approved. | |
Opportunity Documents | No | Upload documents or hyper links | |
Idea End Date | Yes | Suggest “today’s” date | |
Idea Check List | Yes | Company customised checklist of items to be completed before project can be save | |
Add Project and save |
| To save the opportunity tick item/s below the New Opportunity Checklist as per example provide and Opportunity will be saved. |
STEP 2 Approved Opportunity
Oncer approver has approved the opportunity and moved to the next stage Approved Opportunity the following edits and updates to be completed:
1. Update any data entered in Step 1 – Create New Opportunity
2. Add Project Summary – Input
Field | Mandatory Yes/No | Source | Screenshot |
Project Type | Yes | Company customised Dropdown list available provides pre-defined templates to be applied to project | |
Priority | Yes | Assign priority of project. | |
Estimated Business Case | Yes | Free text max 250 characters to describe the expected business case value. | |
Estimated Business Case | Yes | Free text max 250 characters to describe the expected business case value. | |
Allocated Budget | No | Approved budget Description / amount | |
Approved Opportunity Documents | No | Upload documents or hyper links | |
Resource Allocation | Yes | Company customised Dropdown list available | |
Benefits Tracking | No | Company customised Dropdown list available if Benefits tracking field activated | |
Project Dates | Yes | Date fields displayed will vary based on Company customised stage gates set up. Enter start and end dates of each stage gate | |
Feasibility Checklist | Yes | Company customised checklist of items to be completed before project can be save | |
Approve and Save |
| To save the opportunity tick item/s below the Approved Opportunity Checklist as per example provide and Opportunity Review will be saved. |
STEP 3 Kick-off / Planning Project Kick-off Deliverables
Once the approver has approved the project and moved to the next stage Kick-off the following edits and updates to be completed:
1. Update data entered in Step 1 – Create New Opportunity
2. Update data entered in Step 2 – Approve Opportunity
3. Complete the Project Kick-off checklist
The Project Kick-off checklist has three sections:
1. Project Settings - Mandatory
2. Project Modules – Customised by Customer via Project Type templates
3. Project Planning – Customised by Customer via Project Type templates
Field | Source | Screenshot |
| ||
Key Roles Appointed | The following Key Roles need to have a User assigned:
| |
Project Overview Outlined | This information is defaulted from the data entered during the Opportunity steps. At this stage Users has the ability to edit if necessary | |
Email Notification Set | Email notifications settings identify who will receive an email when a change is made. Each project type has a default setting no action is required at this stage. PM can modify during Execution Phase if necessary | N/A |