1. Project Risk Calculation Trend
To view the Project Risk Trend, scroll to the upper right corner of the ‘Risk Register’ page and hover over ‘Trend’.
Trend Period:
A ‘Trend Period’ is equal to 1 calendar week
Trend History:
Displays the previous 4 periods of the trend
Current Trend Update Frequency:
Every update, edit, addition, etc. to the Risk section within the current trend period
Trend Icon Calculation:
- Improved:If the sum of the below three calculations equal a ‘negative’ (-):
- Count of Risks ‘Pending Approval’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
- Count of Risks that the stage is either ‘Identified’, ‘Analysis Complete’, ‘Planning Complete’ or ‘Actions in Implementation’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
- Count of Risks past their ‘Resolution Date’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
- No Change:If the sum of the below three calculations equal ‘0’:
- Count of Risks ‘Pending Approval’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
- Count of Risks that the stage is either ‘Identified’, ‘Analysis Complete’, ‘Planning Complete’ or ‘Actions in Implementation’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
- Count of Risks past their ‘Resolution Date’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
- Worsened:If the sum of the below three calculations equal a ‘positive’ (+):
- Count of Risks ‘Pending Approval’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
- Count of Risks that the stage is either ‘Identified’, ‘Analysis Complete’, ‘Planning Complete’ or ‘Actions in Implementation’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
- Count of Risks past their ‘Resolution Date’ compared to Last Period (e.g., two less = -2, or one more = +1)
Risk Trend Calculations Sample: