1. Navigate Pipeline Kick-Off (Full Kitting) Projects

  • To navigate to the ‘Kick-Off (Full Kitting)’ page, open Project Focus HQ tool using this link  https://app.projectfocushq.com/accounts/login/.
  • Login using your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ and click the ‘Log-in’ button.
    Once logged in you will reach the Company’s Homepage, within the ‘Tiles’ section, navigate to ‘Pipeline Dashboard’ by clicking the ‘Pipeline’ tile or ‘Projects’ from the top navigation menu, then select ‘Pipeline’.



  • Within the ‘Pipeline’ page, click the ‘Kick-Off (Full Kitting)’ tile.


  •  Once done, you will be navigated to the ‘Kick-Off (Full Kitting)’ page.