Release Notes: v1.0.29
Release Date: 30 June 2017
The following are the major features included in this release:
- Programs
- Program > Approver roles
- Program > Access Levels
- Program > Reporting
- Program > Settings
- Program > Adding/Removing Projects to a Program
- Project > Scheduled Adhoc Reporting
- In Project Settings > Report Templates > Custom Report, we will add options to create several Adhoc Report Templates which are scheduled at different recurrence
- This can also be managed at Company > Project Types > Report Templates
- Opportunities Assigned to a Portfolio during Approved Opportunity
- Ability for users to assign an Approved Opportunity to a Portfolio.
- There will also be a tickbox for users if there is no Portfolio to assign the project.
- Project > Schedule & Report Schedule > Overall Progress Bar
- This will display an ‘overall’ project progress bar chart to give a view of how they overall project is going from the highest level (which is the project).
- This is applied to both Schedule module and Reporting
- Pipeline Stages > Artefacts Download
- Ability to Download a PDF displaying the details of each stage of Opportunity including:
- who created the New Opportunity and when
- who Approved the Opportunity and the Approval Date
- who Kicked off the Opportunity and when
- Project > Resource > Multiple Positions in a Role > Displayed in Assignment Gantt Chart
- All Positions, with assigned resource or not are displayed in the Assignment Gantt Chart. Those without resource assignment will show 'Unallocated'.
- This way, the PM can see which roles do not have any resources assigned to them, so he can assign accordingly.
- Checklist > For Turning Approved Opportunity to a Full-Kitting
- Added a “Manual Checklist" functionality to turn an "Approved Opportunity" project into a "Full-Kitting” project
- This can be managed via Company > Pipeline Checklists
- Project > Schedule > Search Box
- The ability to search for specific schedule items not covered by existing Filter option e.g WBS ID, Schedule Name, etc
- This will be applied in Project > Overview > ‘Project Progress’ Section and Project > Schedule > ‘Gantt Chart’ Section
- Project & Portfolio > Budget - Showing a symbol on the overall 'budgets' page on budget items that have not been reconciled
- This will allow user to see which budget items from the main budget page are not reconciled even without going inside each Budget Item detail page and Update pages.
- Green, Yellow and Black coloured Icons will tell you which.
- + Green, if a Budget Item has all Periods with Actual costs updated,
+ Green, if a Budget Item has all Past periods with Actual costs updated, and current to future periods not yet lapsed.
+ Yellow, if a Budget Item has at least 1 Past Period with Actual cost not updated
+ Black, if the Budget Item has all periods not yet lapsed
- Project Report > Resource > Date Filtering
- This will give users a way to filter resources by Dates "From" "To" via calendar selector in Project > Report > Resources
1. The options in the dropdown menu AND the functionality are outlined below
- Entire Project
2. For each report, it will show the dates as:
- From: Start Date of Project
- To: End Date of Project
- This Week Only
1. For each report, it will show the dates as:
- From: Monday of the current week
- To: Sunday of the current week
- Next Week Only
1. For each report, it will show the dates as:
- From: Monday of next week
- To: Sunday of next week
- This Week to Project End
(DEFAULT OPTION for all new Project Types)
1. For each report, it will show the dates as:
- From: Monday of the current week
- To: End Date of Project
- Next Week to Project End
1. For each report, it will show the dates as:- From: Monday of the next week
- To: End Date of Project
2. For ALL ‘Live Projects’, the option that will be selected is ‘Entire Project’
Planned Future Releases:
- Portfolio Dashboard Design and Functionality Updates
- Ability to select the template (and add one) from a dropdown menu (can save different dashboard templates under different names)
- Pages allowing them to drag and drop / move around within the dashboard
- Project > Deliverables Updates
- Only for Deliverables auto-populated from schedule, we will make the user select the ‘Project Phase’ within the schedule if they select it to be a deliverable.
- Project > Quality Management Updates
- We will require an approver for when a User uploads a Quality Management document at the same time an ‘approver’ for Quality Management if a new quality management item is attempting to be added
- Portfolio Reporting > Ability to Filter by Project Type
- We will add a Filter by "Project Type" in Portfolio Reporting
- Systemwide Unsaved Data Notifications
- Alerts on every page, if any data is entered but not saved
- User will be given the option to save the data and continue, return to edit or cancel