Release Notes: v1.0.46
Release Date: 08 June 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- Company Settings > Company Access Levels – Pipeline
- This update will allow “Portfolio Specific” users to access Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects. Currently, there is no way a Portfolio Specific PM (for example) can access the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Projects unless they are given access at Company level.
- 'Pipeline: Phase 1' and 'Pipeline: Phase 2' can now have the following access:
- None - if selected the User role will not have any access to any 'Phase 1 Projects'
- 'Update - Company Level' - if selected, the user that is assigned to the role at a Company level will have 'Update' access to all 'Phase 1' and ‘Phase 2’ Projects within a Company.
- ‘Update - Portfolio Specific' - if selected, the user that is assigned to the role at a specific 'Portfolio' will have 'Update' access to all 'Phase 1' and ‘Phase 2’ Projects within the Portfolio (only Portfolio Manager can have this option).
Note: Users assigned to a Main Portfolio will also have update access to all Phase 1 and Phase 2 Projects within the Sub-portfolios [under the main portfolio] and Main Portfolio. Same logic applies to 'Company Portfolio'.
- 'View - Company Level' - if selected, the user that is assigned to the role at a Company level will have 'View' access to all 'Phase 1' and ‘Phase 2’ Projects within a Company.
- 'View - Portfolio Specific' - if selected, the user that is assigned to the role at a specific 'Portfolio' will have 'View' access to all 'Phase 1' and ‘Phase 2’ Projects within the Portfolio (only Portfolio Manager can have this option).
Note: Users assigned to a Main Portfolio will also have update access to all Phase 1 projects within the Sub-portfolios [under the main portfolio] and Main Portfolio. Same logic applies to 'Company Portfolio'.
- Portfolio - Dashboard - Graph Reporting - Data from Benefits Tracking Module and X-Axis > Period Filtering
- This update will add the Benefits Tracking as option in the Legend, X-axis and Y-axis.
- This will add filtering values for the X-axis for (1) Period (FY) And (2) Period (FY-Quarterly).
- Portfolio Modules - New 'Project Category' and 'Project Department' filters
- For following Portfolio modules, we added 'Project Category' and 'Project Department' filters.
1. Portfolio Overview
2. Portfolio Pipeline Management
3. Portfolio Action Tracking
4. Portfolio Risk Management
5. Portfolio Issue Management
6. Portfolio Budget Management
7. Portfolio Resource Management
8. Portfolio Benefits Tracking
9. Portfolio Dashboard > Graph Reporting
- This update will add a Data Filter section in all of the Portfolio Modules listed above. A User must click 'Display Filters' button to display the filter section and 'Hide Filters' to hide the filter section. The data displayed within the module will depend on the selected filters in this section
- Project Department Filter
- A searchable tick box where users can tick multiple options. Drop-down options will be all of the 'Project Departments' available in the Portfolio and 'All'. (Note: the list of Project Departments will be populated from Company).
- 'All' is the default value, when selected it will select all project department drop-down options.
- Project Category Filter
- A searchable tick box where users can tick multiple options. Drop-down options will be all of the 'Project Categories' available within the Portfolio and 'All'. (Note: the list of Project Category will be populated from Company).
- 'All' is the default value, when selected it will select all project category drop-down options.
- Kick-off, Project > Benefits Tracking - Start and End Date per Benefit Item
- This update will allow ‘benefit items’ to have a different Start and End Date than the Phase 5 Start and End Date.
- A User can add a Start and End Date for each Benefit Item in the Benefit Page:
- Benefit Start Date - a calendar selection field
- A 'Benefit Start Date' must be equal / greater than the 'Phase 4 Start Date'
- A 'Benefit Start Date' must not be greater than the 'End Date' of a Benefit Item Note: Dates before the 'Execution Start Date' are greyed out.
- Benefit End Date - a calendar selection field added below the Benefit Start Date
- A 'Benefit End Date' must be equal / greater than the 'Start Date' of the Benefit Item
- A 'Benefit End Date' cannot be greater than the ‘Phase 5 End Date’.
Planned Future Releases: 22 June 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- Company Settings > Risk Rating Configurations
- Project/Program/Portfolio > Risk Data Tables to Show Risk Rating in place of Risk Score
- Project/Program/Portfolio > Risk Reports, CSV and PDF Downloads update
- Portfolio Risk Management > Graphs Enhancement
- Portfolio Level CSV Exports > Data Gaps