Release Notes: v1.0.43
Release Date: 17 April 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- Kick-Off, Projects > Schedule Module - Custom CSV Import (Part 1)
- This will allow a User to import a project schedule as a custom CSV file within the Project > Schedule Module. The user will need to map the Schedule Module fields to the CSV Column Headers and can also define default values.
- File must be CSV format with a single tab
- CSV must not have merged cells
- Headers must be in the first row of the CSV file
- Each item in the CSV must have a unique ID (WBS), this will identify if the item is new or existing when importing.
- If mandatory fields (*) don't have any data mapped to it, the default field cannot be empty and must be populated by the user
- This functionality is limited to “New/ Refresh Import” option as for now. This means that after every successful import, the existing Gantt chart and all associated items will be deleted and a new schedule and Gantt chart will be created.
- User Access Levels: Only the Module Updater can import a custom CSV File.
- Company Profile > Project Configuration > Project Modules - Add/Update/Remove Custom Fields (Schedule Module)
- This will give a user the ability to add up to 6 custom field attributes to the Schedule Module. The custom fields will then be added/displayed in Project > Schedule>'New Task' / 'Update Task' pages.
- User Access Levels: Only users who can edit the 'Company Profile' can do this
- Functionalities:
- User can rename a custom field
- User can update the custom field description
- User can change the view of the custom field (Hide/Display)
- The data type of all custom fields (name and description) is always a 'Character' (alpha, numeric, special characters) by default.
- Users have no access to change the data type of the custom fields.
- Kick-Off/RTS/Live > 'Schedule' Module - Ability to add a 'Task' before the Project Start Date
- This will allow user to add a 'Task' before the Project Start Date, e.g. for planning purposes.
- Task Start Date and Task End Date must be before Project Start Date, and the Task Start Date must be before Task End Date.
- A User will not be able to schedule a 'Task' after the 'Project Dates > Forecast Finish Date'
- Kick-Off, Projects > Benefits Tracking Module (Quantitative) - Custom CSV Import Functionality (New/Existing imports)
- This will give a user the ability to import a custom CSV file within the Project > Benefits Tracking Module. Users can either choose to import new, skip or overwrite existing data in the Module. This import will allow the user to map the Benefits Tracking Module fields to custom CSV Column Headers.
- File must be in CSV format and only have a single tab
- CSV must not have merged cells
- Header must be in the first row of the CSV file
- Each item in the CSV must have a Benefit ID, this will identify if the item is new or existing. Currently, all ID's within PFHQ are automated by the system. With this functionality, we will allow the user to import their own ID's as the system will check and identify if items already exist or not. This will also support the 'Existing Data Handling' where the user can either 'Skip' or 'Overwrite' existing data.
- If mandatory fields (*) don't have any data mapped to it, the default field cannot be empty and must be populated by the user.
- 'Benefit Type' can be either be quantitative or qualitative
- 'Metric Type' - users can select multiple metric types.

- Existing Data Handling will allow the user to select if the existing CSV data will be overwritten or skipped during the upload.
- Skip - Default value. If selected, all existing [Module] items will be skipped based on Benefit ID.
- Overwrite - If selected, all existing Benefits Tracking items will be overwritten based on Benefit ID.
Part B - Release Date: 15 April 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- Company Profile - Portfolio Default Settings/Portfolio Settings: Add 'Benefits Tracking' Module (Access Level)
- This will add Access Levels for Benefit Tracking Users in the Company Page applicable for Portfolio and also within the Portfolio Settings page.
Access Levels > Benefits Tracking: User can assign a User Role's corresponding access rights to the Benefits Tracking Module: None, View, Update
- Default for each role:
Portfolio Manager - Update
Portfolio Controls Manager - Update
Portfolio Analyst - Update
- Company Profile - Project Types/Project - Setting: Add 'Benefits Tracking' Module (Project Role Responsibility)
- This will add an Access Levels for the Benefit Tracking User in the Company Page applicable for Projects and also within Projects Settings page.
Access Levels > Benefits Tracking: User can assign a User Role's corresponding access rights to Benefits Tracking Module either be: None, View, Update
- Default for each role:
Stakeholder - Update
Portfolio Manager - Update
Program Manager - View
Project Manager - View
Project Controls Manager - View
Co-Dependent - None
Team Member - Update
- Project > Schedule and Milestone > Baseline Start Date and Baseline End Date - 0 duration
- This will give users the ability to create a ‘0 day’ milestone within the manual schedule structure as well as when importing a CSV file
- This means milestone duration = End Date - Start Date, thus Start Date= End Date equal to ‘0 Duration’
- This will be the same when Exporting CSV, users will see milestone Duration = End Date - Start Date
- Kick-Off/Live Projects/ Portfolio > Benefits Tracking - Change Cost Centre ID - AlphaNumeric
- Currently the Cost Centre 'ID' field is numeric.
- This will change the Cost Centre 'ID' to allow for alphanumeric values with a limit of 50 characters.
Planned Future Releases: 11 May 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- Company Profile > Portfolio Settings > Report Templates - Add 'Project Phase Dates'
- Addition of a report section within the 'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Custom templates'
- Portfolio (Company, Main & Sub) > Dashboard > Graph (Column) > Enhancements > Additional Legends, X-Axis and Y-Axis options
- Ability to attach documents in Pipeline/ Project
- Portfolio - Dashboard: Application Performance Improvement
- Project > Action Tracking > Save and display historical data
- Project > Risks > Add Table and Fields for Mitigation Plan
- Project > Action Tracking > Uploaded Updates will be moved to version table
- Project > Risk & Issue > Create Version Table for the updates/changes