Release Notes: v1.0.42
Release Date: 01 April 2018 9PM UTC+11:00
- Project > Issue > Bulk Issue Upload Update
- The system will check the Unique ID of all items within the Issue Module of the Project Including the resolved items.
- All resolved issue items should not be duplicated nor updated
- IF Existing Data handling = 'Overwrite Rows’, the system will check the Unique ID of all items within the Issue Module of the Project Including the resolved items.
- If the item does not exist, it will then be added/imported to the Issue Module
- If the item exists and the status is 'Approved', the item will then be overwritten
- If the item exists and the status is 'Resolved', the item will then be skipped
- IF Existing Data handling = 'Skip Rows’, the system will check the Unique ID of all items within the Issue Module of the Project Including the resolved items.
- If the item does not exist, it will then be added to the Issue Module
- If the item exists and the status is 'Approved', the item will then be skipped
- If the item exists and the status is 'Resolved', the item will then be skipped
- Project > Risk > Bulk Risk Upload Update
- The system will check the Unique ID of all items within the Risk Module of the Project Including the resolved items
- All resolved risk items should not be duplicated nor updated
- IF Existing Data handling = 'Overwrite Rows’, the system will check the Unique ID of all items within the Risks Module of the Project Including the resolved items
- If the item does not exist, it will then be added/imported to the Risks Module
- If the item exists and the status is 'Approved', the item will then be overwritten
- If the item exists and the status is 'Resolved', the item will then be skipped
- IF Existing Data handling = 'Skip Rows’, the system will check the Unique ID of all items within the Risks Module of the Project Including the resolved items
- If the item does not exist, it will then be added to the Risks Module
- If the item exists and the status is 'Approved', the item will then be skipped
- If the item exists and the status is 'Resolved', the item will then be skipped
- Company Profile > Add Project Lifecycle
- The ability for users to edit/configure the ‘Pipeline’ status (phase) labels (eg, ‘New Opportunity’ to ‘Ideation’) – the default label will be as - is.
- Company Profile > Project Lifecycle > Add Stage Gate Dates
- The ability for users with relevant access to configure the Stage Gates Dates and the Approval and Review dates.
- Pipeline/Projects > Submit for Review
- This will add a new step after every Project Phase that will allow a review of the Project Phase before approving the associated stage. A 'Submit for Review' functionality is being added before the Stage Approvers are notified to do the approval.
- This will omit the current way where after every Project Phase, Stage Approvers are automatically notified to do the approval.
- Company Profile > Project Types > Project Checklist - Add 'Manual Checklists’
- The ability for users to add an optional Manual Project Close Checklist on top of the existing Automated checklist. All of the manual checklist has to be ticked in order to successfully submit the Project for Review.
- Pipeline / Projects - Adding a 'Pending Approval’ section
- This update will Add a 'Pending Approval’ section within Pipeline and Projects.
- The new Pending Approvals section will have all of the Projects or Pipeline that are submitted for review but are not approved yet.
- The pending approval section will only be visible to Approvers of the associated Project Phase
- Company Profile - Approver Responsibilities Update
- This update will convert the current "Project: Close Initiator” to "Project End Initiator” and the current Project: Close Approver to 'Project End Approver’
- The label "Project: Close Initiator" and "Project: Close Approver” will now be used only for projects in Benefits Tracking Phase.
- Without use of Benefits Tracking module:
- The Project End Initiator clicks the 'Close Project' button within the Project Settings and then submits the project for review.
- The 'Project End Approver' clicks the 'Approve' button within the 'Project > Close-Out Setup' page. Once the project is successfully approved it will then move to Phase 6 'Closed’
- With use of Benefits Tracking module:
- The End Initiator clicks the 'Close Project' button within the Project Settings and then submits the project for review.
- The 'Project End Approver' clicks the 'Approve' button within the 'Project > Close-Out Setup' page. Once the project is successfully approved it will then move to Phase 5 'Benefits Tracking'
- Kick-Off/Project > Schedule Module - Ability to add a Portfolio Milestone
- The ability for users to mark a Task as ‘Portfolio Milestone’
- This will reflect in the 'Milestone Summary' Report at a Portfolio Level
- This will also reflect in the 'Milestone' table within the Schedule module and the type will be ‘Portfolio’
- FYI:
- If the 'Task' is marked as a portfolio milestone, then the 'Type' will be 'Portfolio'
- If the 'Task' is marked as a project milestone, then the 'Type' will be 'Project'
- Kick-Off/RTS/Live > 'Schedule' Module - Ability to add a 'Task' before the Project Start Date
- The ability for users to plan 'Tasks' within the Schedule module before the Project Start Date.
- This means the user can add a task from the 'Kicked-off Date' to the day before the Project Start Date.
- All tasks that start before the Project Start date will not be able to be assigned to an Activity / Deliverable / Project Milestone / Portfolio milestone. This is because these tasks will not be included in reporting. These are just tasks during kick off. It will not be displayed when the Project is Live.
- We will disable "Mark as Activity" button, "Mark as Deliverable" button, "Mark as Project Milestone" button,"Mark as Portfolio Milestone" button for these tasks.
Planned Future Functionality with Release Dates:
- Company Profile > Project Configuration > Pipeline Details – Add / Update / Remove Fields (Opportunity Only) - 09 April 2018 9PM UTC+11:00
- The ability to add/manage custom fields within the Pipeline Details page for New Opportunities
- Project > Schedule and Milestone > Having the same Baseline Start Date and Baseline End Date should have 0 duration -09 April 2018 9PM UTC+11:00
- This will allow user to set Schedule/Milestones with 0 duration for Tasks, i.e. Start Date = End date
- Users will be able to create a ‘0 day’ milestone both within the manual structure and importing a CSV file
- Company Profile > Portfolio Settings > Report Templates - Add 'Milestone' as a report section within the 'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Custom templates’ -09 April 2018 9PM UTC+11:00
- This update will add a 'Milestone Summary’ as section in the Portfolio Reporting.
- 'Milestone Summary’ will also be added to the Company Profile > Portfolio Default Settings > Report Templates section.
- Company Profile > Project Configuration > Project Modules – Add / Update / Remove Custom Fields (Schedule Module)- 09 April 2018 9PM UTC+11:00
- This will allow a user to add/rename/update a custom field name, update a custom field description, set a data type for a custom field for Schedule module.
- Support Center Link: