Release Notes: v1.0.55
Release Date: 31 August 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- Company/Portfolio/Project > Project Life Cycle > Alignment Phase 4 End Date to Baseline Finish Date
- This update will align the following dates:
- Project > Settings > Project Life Cycle Phase 4 (Execution) End Date to be equal to Schedule > Baseline Finish Date
- Portfolio > Settings > CSV Export > Project Meta Data to display Phase 4 Execution End Date/Schedule Baseline Finish Date
- Portfolio Reports > Project Phase Dates to display Phase 4 Execution End Date/Schedule Baseline Finish Date
- Project > Risk > Import CSV: Ability to Import Custom Fields and Update list data for Impact/Probability
- This update will allow in the CSV Import Mapping screen to get a list of the Initial/Residual Risk Impact/Probability reflected from the Risk Score Matrix.
- The CSV Import Mapping screen will show all Custom Fields from Company > Project Configuration > Risk.
- Project Closing - Project Closeout Report
- When the Close-out process is approved, the Project Close-Out Report becomes Final and locked down (cannot be edited anymore), the "Project Close-Out Report Submitted" checkbox becomes checked.
- This update will allow the “Project Close Out Report" to remain editable if the project close-out was rejected.
- The "Project Close-Out Report Submitted" checkbox will be unchecked. The Manual checklist will still be checked.
- Project > Schedule: Update Planned to Date formula
- This is a fix how “Planned to Date” is calculated in the project schedule
- This update will be applied in the overall progress bar which effects overall progress for the schedule progress and reporting
- Full-Kitting > Budget > Cost Summary > Plan > Budget Contingency
- This is an update to 'Contingency provision included in FFC ' row to now consist of 2 rows:
- Contingency provision included in FFC (%)
- Contingency provision included in FFC (amount)
- If a user enters a Contingency in %, the % will be displayed in the Contingency % field. And it will automatically calculate and display corresponding value amount in the Contingency Amount field.
- Respectively if the user enters a Contingency in amount, the amount value will be displayed in the Contingency amount field, and it will automatically calculate and display corresponding % in the Contingency % field.
Planned Future Releases: 14 September 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- System Wide – WISIWYG editor, URL in text fields
- Portfolio Risk Management > Graphs New Enhancements
- Kick-Off, Live Projects > Budget – Custom CSV Import