Release Notes: v1.0.51
Release Date: 03 August 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- Portfolio > Settings > CSV Export
1. Metadata > Add Actual Stage
- This is an update for Portfolio CSV Metadata Extract to include:
- Plan Start/End Dates
- Actual Start/End Dates
- This is for all current Stage Gate's header in the CSV file
- If a Project does not have Actual Dates for a Phase, the field will be blank.
2. Benefits Tracking > Custom Fields
- This is an update for Portfolio CSV Benefits Tracking Extract to include custom fields
- Custom fields will be placed before the ‘Update Note’ field
- Portfolio and Project > Risks > Custom Fields
- This update will give the user the ability to configure up to 6 custom fields for the Risks Module. All risk custom fields will be available in:
- Create/ Update Risk Form
- View Risk Details
- Risk CSV Export
- Portfolio and Project > Benefits Tracking > Period Selector in Benefits Summary Tables
- This will allow the user to update period selector values and see the adjustments displayed in the summary table values.
- This will also update the CSV/ PDF Download.
- Phase 5 and Phase 6 > Documents > Artefact PDF File > Details of Previous Phase
- This update will create automated PDF reports in the Documents Module as a Project Overview of the previous phase when:
- A project moves from phase 4 into phase 5
- A project moves from phase 5 into phase 6
Planned Future Releases: 10 August 2018 9PM UTC+10:00
- Company Settings > Risk Rating Configurations
- Project/Program/Portfolio > Change from Risk Score to Risk Ratings
- Portfolio Risk Management > Graphs Enhancement