Adding a Dashboard Item- Project Rows Data Table

1. In the newly created dashboard section in the dashboard tab, click ‘+ Item’ and select ‘Data Table’ from the drop-down menu. 


2. In the ‘Table Type’ data field, select ‘Project Rows’. When selected, this allows the user to customize the data table from columns to rows.


3. Add a ‘Title’ to the Data Table item. The title is limited only to 100 characters.


4. Select to which section you wish to add the Data Table in the ‘Section’ data field.


5. Select in the ‘Filter By’ field as to what data will be displayed. You can tick as many as you can. Data can be filtered by Projects, Programs, Portfolios, Project Departments, Project Categories, Project Phase, and Project Type.

Once ticked, you can choose the specific value where data will be filtered.




6. Ticking the ‘Exclude Total Row’ hides the Total Row data column. 



7. Select in the ‘Rows to Display’ field to how many rows you want the Data Table to display.


8. Add a description for the Data Table Item in the ‘Description’ field limited to 250 characters only. 


9. To group Data Table columns, click on ‘+ Add Group’. Name the group in the field provided limited only to 150 characters. Add a column or columns by clicking on the ‘+ Add Column’ button. 


10. Add a ‘Column Name’ limited to 100 characters. Then select the Module, Field, and Total Row Calculation from the drop-down list.

For Module drop down list, you can choose which data the Table will pull up. You can also do manual input by selecting Manual.


For Field drop down list, choose which Module field where data will be pulled up.
NOTE: This is NOT applicable for Manual option.

The Total Row Calculation is visible if the Exclude Total Row checkbox is not ticked while this is not displayed when the Exclude Total Row checkbox is ticked.

NOTE: To re-arrange the Data Columns in a group, click on the three vertical dots icon found at the left part near the Column Name. Click and hold on this icon and drag the column either upwards or downwards. To delete or remove a column, click the 'x' icon at the right side of the column.


11. For Manual option in Module, click the blue screw icon to configure the data type.


Select the Field Type for the Manual Column in the drop down list. Click the Update button once done.



12. Check how the data appears in the Table section. You can click the Refresh button to see how your table will look like.


NOTE: For columns with Manual module, you can input your values in the fields provided.



13. Once satisfied, click the Add Item button.