Glossary Term
ActualActual monthly benefits realised.  Can only be entered for past months.
AssumptionsDetails of assumptions considered for providing the basis for defining the benefit and measurements. Could be acceptance certain deliverables or events outside the project.
Benefit CategoryThe benefit category is a customised field defined at company level to provide a standard across the business for grouping benefits   User to select from dropdown list 
Benefit Cost Centre IDLinked to Metric Type Financial only.  Free text to provide details of costs centres to apply the benefits
Benefit Cost TypeCost types are customised at company level to reflect the types of benefits during the life cycle of the project. 
Benefit End DateThe date when a specific individual Benefit Item tracking will finish. Users should note that this date must be within overall benefits Start and End dates
Benefit IDA unique identifier generated and assigned to a benefit when created and saved
Benefit LevelDefaults the project ID associated with the benefit
Benefit NameA short title to describe the individual benefit
Benefit Project CategoryThe business category to receive the benefit being delivered by the project, select from a dropdown list.
Benefit Project DepartmentThe department to receive the benefit being delivered by the project, select from a dropdown list
Benefit Start DateThe date when a specific individual Benefit Item tracking will commence. Users should note that this date must be within overall benefits Start and End dates
Benefit Sub-CategoryThe benefit sub category is customised fields within a Benefit Category as defined at company level to provide a standard across the business for grouping benefits   User to select from dropdown list 
Benefit TitleA short title to describe the benefit group
Benefit TypeSelect benefit type applicable, options are:
  • Quantitative - measured by quantity and numbers
  • Qualitative - measured by quality and subjective non-numerical results
Benefits SummaryAn overall summary of project benefits, grouped at Benefit Title as defined in project settings module. It is crucial for PM’s to review this section regularly to track the progress of a project. This also allows PM’s to implement any corrective measures if necessary.
Benefits TrackingBenefits tracking is the management for identifying, planning, tracking, and realization of business benefits to be delivered by a project. Benefits tracking can be used as a performance monitor, assist with decision making and serve as a reporting tool. Focusing on delivering benefits promotes good operational performance and helps identifies areas of improvement
Change Request - IDAny approved change requests to the original baseline benefit values entered.
DescriptionA comprehensive detail of the Benefit to provide a reader with full understanding of the Benefit.
ForecastForecast is the revised benefits values based on a review of project progress
Metric TypeThe measurement type to be assigned to the benefit as per available options e.g. financial, percentage, number or label
OwnerThe project member who is responsible for the delivery and outcome of the benefit. Thus, it is essential for the owner of the benefit to have a thorough understanding of the benefit. 
PeriodThe time periods during which the Benefit item is tracked.
PlanThe planned(baseline) benefit value of the benefit item. This is the amount that is approved before the project undergoes execution. Once the baseline value has been set, it can only be changed through a formalized change request sent to a control centre.
PriorityEvaluation on the impact for a Project to be considered successful, options available are:
  • Mandatory - significant impact, failure to deliver will have ongoing impact to the business
  • Major - severe impact, failure to deliver may have ongoing impact to the business
  • Moderate - minor impact, which could be resolved with minor replanning of project or benefits expectations
  • Minor - minor impact, no replanning of project or benefits expectations will be required.
  • Insignificant - little or no impact to the project if not met
QualitativeBenefits that are subjective by nature with non-numerical data measurements which require analytics to be conducted to determine outcome, e.g. customer satisfaction.
QuantitativeBenefits that can be measured  e.g. validated by numbers, percentages or financials.
TrackingAn overview of all Benefit values during the Benefit Tracking period.
Update NotesReviewer to provide detailed information on the updates and changes made to the benefit and reasons to provide other readers a clear understanding of the change
UserName of user who updated the benefit
ValidatorThe project member who is responsible for overseeing the delivery of a benefit.