Glossary TermDescription
Approver ResponsibilitiesThe users who are authorised to approve various modules within the Project.
Assigned Key UsersAssigning Members to Key Roles in a project/ portfolio. The responsibilities of these roles should be explained in as much detail as possible so that the assigned user has a clear understanding.

For Portfolio level roles, these are not project specific as these roles assist in overseeing the entire portfolio.

It is important that the assigned user possesses the required skills to carry out the role effectively.
Benefit CategoriesA classification where the benefit belongs to. These categories can be customised by users. Categorising benefits provide PM's with greater structure and organisation around the project.
Benefit Sub-CategoriesA sub-classification under a Benefit category where the benefit belongs to. These categories can be customised by users. Categorising benefits provide PM's with greater structure and organisation around the project.
Benefit Title
A short title that outlines the benefit and its impact. The name should incorporate 3 pieces of information which are the 'what', the 'how' and the 'impact' of the benefit. The title should provide users with a better understanding of the benefit.

Benefits tracking has 3 uses:  as a performance monitoring and enhancing tool, as a basis for decisions, and report status. The benefits that were identified, itemised and quantified should be visible throughout the operation of the live business solution. So the line management should be encouraged to continue monitoring performance against the benefit targets.

The continuing focus on delivering the benefit may be used to promote good operational performance, to identify areas where further improvements to the processes or systems would be beneficial, and for the organisation can learn from its successes and failures.

Benefits Summary ConfigurationConfigure how Benefit Summary items will be added to Projects/ Portfolios.
Business SponsorA business sponsor is a C-level administrator who has a vested interest in seeing a project to completion. Ideally, he/she is the person in charge of overseeing and authorising all financial transactions. It is also his/her responsibility to promote and create awareness of the project's benefits within the organisation.
Co-Dependent(s)Are individuals who are impacted by the project's delivery, resources, milestone dates and/or the outcomes of the project. For example, a Project Manager is assigned as a Co-Dependent to gain visibility of a project which cannot be started until a deliverable is completed.
Co-Dependent ProjectCo-dependent projects determine an order in which projects are performed. The most common co-dependency is when a project (predecessor) must be completed before a project (successor) can start.
CountryThe country that the company is based in and operating primarily out of.
CurrencyThe current currency used and updated across the entire Project/ Portfolio.
Current StageThe Current Status of the Project that can be classified into 3 categories:
* Not started - The Project has been planned but no progress has been made
* Started - The Project has been planned and is currently in process* Complete - The Project has met all requirements and deliverables.
Custom TemplatesThe customised reporting format of modules and reporting sections to be displayed on the report. It is important to add as much detail as possible to provide readers with a better understanding of the report's customisations.
Custom Templates: RepeatsHow frequent a report is generated.
Custom Templates: Report TitleThe Name of the report. The report name should outline the contents of the report and how it is linked to the project.
Custom Templates: ScheduleAn overview of when the report is sent with the corresponding template.
Custom Templates: Template NameThe Report template to be followed. The types include:
* Weekly- Reports that provide updates on the previous week
* Monthly- Reports that provide an update on the previous month's progress
* Custom- Reports required for urgent communication and defined within the Project Settings page"
Custom Templates: TimeThe time of the weekly Report allows the reports to be automatically sent at a set time. This corresponds with the Time zone that the Project adheres to.
Custom Templates: TitleThe Name of the customised report template.
Default TemplatesThe default reporting format of modules and reporting sections to be displayed on the generated Reports, for weekly, monthly or customised reports.
Default Templates: NameThe Report template to be followed. The types include :
* Weekly- Reports that provide updates on the previous week
* Monthly- Reports that provide an update on the previous month's progress
* Custom- Reports required for urgent communication and defined within the Project / Portfolio Settings page"
DepartmentThe Name of the department within the Company.
Department IDA unique identifier generated and assigned to a department when created and saved.
Department NameName of the Department added. When possible, refrain from using acronyms as definitions may vary across large businesses. For example, Human Resources should be used instead of HR.
Departments AssociatedAll departments are associated with the project. This is typically determined when completing the HR plan. All departments that provide input or impacted by changes in the project should be included. This prevents a negative downstream effect.
DescriptionComprehensive detail of the project to provide a reader with a full understanding of the project. This should include any information relevant to the project such as its objectives and goals.
Email NotificationsReflects the activities within a project/ portfolio that send out notification emails to respective users. Recipients can be customised to ensure that important and relevant information is received during the project lifecycle/ duration of the portfolio.
Fortnightly ReportingFortnightly project reports are mandatory reports. They provide key members with a comprehensive overview of the current project/ portfolio status.

There is a 'notes' section for each project/ portfolio module that needs to be filled (or no details will be provided). The 'notes' will be sent to relevant users automatically at a pre-determined time, set within the Project/ Portfolio settings.
FY StartThe Starting month of the Fiscal Year.
General SettingsAn outline of the Project/ Portfolio settings. The reflected report send times and data recordings are based on the project/ portfolio time zone settings.
Kick - Off ByThe person in charge of the project kick-off.
Kick - Off DateThe date when the project began kick-off.
Metric TypeThe type of data inputted for a Benefit.
Module NotificationsModule Notifications reflect the module activities within a project/ portfolio that send out notification emails to respective users. Recipients can be customised to ensure that important and relevant information is received during the project lifecycle/ duration of the portfolio.
Monthly ReportingMonthly project reports are mandatory reports. They provide key members with a comprehensive overview of the current project/ portfolio status.

There is a 'notes' section for each project/ portfolio module that needs to be filled (or no details will be provided). The 'notes' will be sent to relevant users automatically at a pre-determined time, set within the Project/ Portfolio settings.
Monthly Reporting: OnFor a Monthly Report, the outlined week is the week during which the report will be sent (do note that 1 day of a week will be deemed a full week). The outlined day is the day during which the report will be sent.
Monthly Reporting: RepeatsThe time interval between sent reports is indicated here. This cannot be changed because every project/ portfolio requires a Monthly report.
Monthly Reporting: TimeThe time of the Monthly Report allows the reports to be automatically sent at a set time. This corresponds with the Time zone that the Project/ Portfolio adheres to.
Notification SettingsReflects the events within a project/ portfolio that send out notification emails to respective users. Recipients can be customised to ensure that important and relevant information is received during the project lifecycle/ duration of the portfolio.
Other Stakeholder(s)Other important stakeholders that have a direct influence on the project.
Portfolio AnalystThe Portfolio Analyst is responsible for metrics, tracking, and all analysis at a portfolio level and how the projects role up.
Portfolio AssignedThe Portfolio that the project has been assigned to
Portfolio Control ManagerThe Portfolio Control Manager is responsible for change requests and standards management at a portfolio level.
Portfolio ManagerAll Portfolio Manager Users within this project. A portfolio manager manages all projects that have an organisational wide scope, which may not be similar in nature but can also include various programs. For most businesses, the portfolio levels encompass a similar structure to their organisational hierarchy or investment hierarchy.

For Portfolio levels, the Portfolio Manager oversees the project at a high level portfolio level. The Portfolio Manager is required to provide regular updates on  report status, issues, budget and schedule.
Program AnalystThe Program Analyst is responsible for metrics, tracking, and all analysis at a Program level and how the projects role up.
Program AssignedThe Program that the project has been assigned to.
Program Controls ManagerThe Program Controls Manager is responsible for change requests and standards management at the Program level.
Program ManagerAll Program Manager Users within this project. Program managers oversee all projects that roll into their programs. For most companies, programs are grouped by similar or related projects. However, they can also be grouped according to sub-departments and / or service type. For example, all projects pertaining to IT Efficiency can be rolled into one IT Efficiency program.

For Program levels, the Program Manager oversees the project at a high level portfolio level. The Program Manager is required to provide regular updates on  report status, issues, budget and schedule.
Project Approver ResponsibilitiesProject Approvers are accountable for correct execution and completion of an action within a project. Project Approvers must endorse the actions created by other project members. There should be at least one Approver role for every responsibility.
Project CategoryThe Category of the project outlines the project's focus. This assists PM's with opportunities and portfolio pipeline management. Examples of dropdown options are:
* Business Change- Change in the policy and practice
* Business expansion- Project that assists in business growth/Development
* IT & System- Technology projects for the business
* Revenue growth- New projects or initiatives to increase revenue for the business
* Safety & Compliance- Projects that enhance safety regulations and reduce employee injuries
* Sustain capital- Projects that maximise the efficiency of budgets or spending.
Project Co - DependenciesDependencies are the relationships among tasks/ projects which determine the order in which they need to be performed. The most common dependency is when a project (predecessor) must be completed before a project (successor) can start.
Project Control(s)All Project Controls (or PMO) Users within this project. The Project Control individuals assist with standardisation of project delivery, project lifecycle & stage-gate approvals, centralised governance and other project functions. Companies can assign Project Controls by Portfolio's/Program's or assign to a company-wide PMO (if applicable).
Project ID/ Portfolio ID
A unique identifier generated and assigned to a project/ portfolio when created and saved.
Project LifecycleThe standard process followed by nearly all project managers when moving through stages of project completion. With initiation, planning, execution and closure, teams follow the phases. And when delivered well, project success is achieved.
Project Lifecycle ApproverCompany level responsibilities and roles so that this info can be communicated to resources as needed. This removes confusion as to who can approve or do what at a company level.
Project Lifecycle End DateWhen the project stage will end.
Project Lifecycle PhaseBrief description of the project stage

This is written for each separate phase:

Phase 1 (New Opportunity)

Phase 2 (Approved Opportunity)

Phase 3 (Full Kitting)

Phase 4 (Delivery)

Phase 5 (Benefits Tracking)

Phase 6 (Closed)

Project Lifecycle Start DateWhen the project stage will start.
Project ManagerAll Project Manager Users within this project. Project managers are leaders of a specific project. They report directly to the Program Managers, Portfolio and / or Stakeholders through weekly and monthly reporting. Project Managers are accountable for the delivery, report status', control scope and effective communication amongst team members.
Project Overview/ Portfolio Overview/ Program Overview
A synopsis of key information on the project/ portfolio/ program. This allows users to review and gather pertinent information more efficiently. It is important to keep the overview up to date and relevant for effective communication.
Project Phase
Projects are broken down into smaller pieces known as project phases. This helps organise and simplify project management efforts.
Project Phase IDA unique identifier generated and assigned to a Project Phase when created and saved.
Project Phase NameA short title that outlines the project phase. The name should incorporate 3 pieces of information which are the 'what', the 'how' and the 'impact' of the project phase.
Project Role ResponsibilitiesProject Role Responsibilities describes the involvement of various roles in completing tasks or deliverables for a project. This is useful, particularly for clarifying roles and responsibilities in cross-functional/departmental projects and processes. There should be at least one Update role for every responsibility.
Project SponsorThe person who is in charge of the project from a leadership perspective. The sponsor has influence over the project and direct ownership of a specified area. Sponsors can help resolve issues and provide guidance & resources.
Project Time Zone/ Portfolio Time Zone/ Program Time ZoneThe Time Zone that the Project's/ Portfolio's/ Program's reporting, schedules and all other notification timings will adhere to.
Project Title/ Portfolio NameA short title which outlines the project/ portfolio. The name should incorporate 3 pieces of information which are the 'what', the 'how' and the 'impact' of the project/ portfolio.
Project TypeThe type of project based on what the company wants to create. Several factors can influence the type of project created. Amongst them are the scope, degree of risk, time, cost, level of new technology and degree of details in plans.
Project Work StreamWorkstreams are core areas of activities in your project. Could be a department in your organization (i.e Operations or Marketing) or an ongoing activity in your project (i.e Testing or Implementation)" 
Project Work Stream IDA unique identifier generated and assigned to a Workstream when created and saved.
Project Work Stream NameThe name of the Workstream.
Report DataThe Report Data will generate a customised weekly/ monthly/ fortnightly report so that reports can be sent to other projects/ portfolios within the business or cater to particular parts of the project/ portfolio. This provides adequate time for updating (e.g., Actual Period Costs).  
Report NotificationsReport Notifications reflect the reporting activities within a project/ portfolio that send out notification emails to respective users. Recipients can be customized to ensure that important and relevant information is received during the project lifecycle/ duration of the portfolio.
Report TemplatesThe reporting format of modules and reporting sections to be displayed on the generated Reports, for weekly, monthly or customised reports.
Reporting ScheduleA systematic way of reporting data. Report send dates can be customized according to the day, week, hour and/or minutes.  
Role ResponsibilitiesThe user levels and the corresponding accessibility to various modules within the Project
Roll UpHow the values of the Benefit Item will be calculated. Benefit Items can be calculated based on specific periods or on the sum of a group of values.
ScheduleSelect the unit of measurement to be used in the schedule.
It is a comprehensive overview of  all details, descriptions and settings of the project/ portfolio. This allows for effective management of projects/ portfolios within the system.

Settings allow users to customise the information assists with the preferences and information that is important to the management of the project/ portfolio. This allows for quick reference and team-specific needs and wants which should be determined at the beginning for proper set-up and communication for the duration of the project/portfolio itself.

Settings that impacts multiple team members should be approved on by all or allow them to have a say or preference. If needed, gather information from team members for the most accurate and up to date information.
StakeholderAll Key Stakeholders Users within this project. Key stakeholders are individuals at the management/leadership level. They have had a direct influence on the project and are accountable for the project's success.
Status and Trend ConfigurationSettings for the main modules of the project if Status is to be displayed in the Report or not. Settings for the main modules of the project if Trend is to be displayed only in the module, only in the Report, or both.
Team Member(s)All Team Member Users within this Project. Team members are individuals who play any part in delivering a project. Typically this encompasses subject matter experts (SME's), support teams and any other individuals who may not be suited to other available user roles.
Weekly ReportingWeekly project reports are mandatory reports. They provide key members with a comprehensive overview of the current project/ portfolio status.

There is a 'notes' section for each project/ portfolio module that needs to be filled (or no details will be provided). The 'notes' will be sent to relevant users automatically at a pre-determined time, set within the Project/ Portfolio settings.
Weekly Reporting: OnFor a Weekly Report, the outlined week is the week during which the report will be sent (do note that 1 day of a week will be deemed a full week). The outlined day is the day during which the report will be sent.
Weekly Reporting: RepeatsThe time interval between sent reports is indicated here. This cannot be changed because every project requires a weekly report.
Weekly Reporting: TimeThe time of the weekly Report allows the reports to be automatically sent at a set time. This corresponds with the Time zone that the Project adheres to.