Glossary Term | Description |
Assigned to | The project member who is responsible for managing the action |
Capacity | The functional capacity of a resource. This is a gauge of the resource's ability to perform a task. This is dependent on the skill level and availability of a resource. |
Capacity: Assigned | The user's capacity already allocated to a project within the company |
Capacity: Available | The user's capacity that is available to perform a role in a project over a given period of time. |
Capacity: Overall | The accumulated capacity of a user across projects within the company |
Capacity Fluctuations | Variations in the work efforts of a resource that happens within the given skills and availability. For example, the capacity of a resource can drop for 2-3 weeks and then increase back to its original level for the next month. |
Completely Allocated | The number of positions assuming this role that have been completely resourced. These positions are functioning at full capacity and are resourced for the entire duration of the task or milestone. |
Date From | The expected start date when the assigned resource begins working on a task or milestone. This is based of the schedule and resource planning. Other items on the schedule should be taken into consideration before altering the start date. |
Date To | The expected end date when the assigned resource begins working on a task or milestone. This is based of the schedule and resource planning. Other items on the schedule should be taken into consideration before altering the end date. |
Department | The area of the project that the role has been assigned to. |
Name | The first and last name of the resource who will be contributing to the project. |
Partially Allocated | The number of positions assuming this role that are partially resourced. This means that some positions are not allocated any resources or they are only allocated resources for a period of time that is less than the duration of the task or milestone. |
Resource | The name of the resource involved with the project. The resource is required to have a thorough understanding of the project plan and the tasks at hand. This is essential for effective execution of tasks and project delivery. |
Resource Profile - Portfolio Resources/ Role | The monthly Resources/Roles assigned to each project. This is important for resource planning at a portfolio level for individual projects |
Resource Profile - Resource types for next 6 months | The total resources by Department segmented by project. Projecting 6 months by department allows for adequate planning and can assist in identifying issues, realising resource limitations that need to be addressed and even reducing the potential for project risks |
Resource Utilisation | The allocation of resources within a company over a given period of time |
Resourcing | Resources represent staff members, contractors or employees who assist with the project. These could include team members, ad hoc employees, team leads, outsourced staff or SME's. Resource planning is important to ensure that a plan is set in place and sufficient human resources are available to deliver a project |
Role | The role or function of a resource in a particular task or project. This assists in clearly defining their role in the project. Greater clarity allows resources to perform their roles more effectively and efficiently. |
Role Name | The name of a role within a project. The name should highlight the primary responsibility of a resource. Thus, all project participants are provided with greater visibility and a better understanding of the role. |
Role Positions | The primary role of a resource is reflected here. This provides all participants with greater visibility of the roles and responsibilities of assigned resources. Thus, any related tasks can be assigned quickly to the suitable resource at any point in time. |
Skills | The skills that the resource possesses. These skills must be relevant and specific to the role of the resource. This information is important for PM's to assigned tasks and milestones to the correct resource during the project. |
Team | A group in the company that the resource is a member of |
Total Positions | The number of positions that will assume this role during the duration of the project. Baselining the number of roles, provides PM's with a better understanding of resource/task costs as well as the amount of resource needed. |
Vacant | The number of positions assuming this role that are vacant or empty. This means that these positions do not have any resources assigned to them. |
Work Stream | Workstreams are core areas of activities in your project. Could be a department in your organisation (i.e Operations or Marketing) or an ongoing activity in your project (i.e Testing or Implementation). |