1. Upload Benefits Tracking
1. In the Benefits Tracking page, click the Upload Benefits button to add multiple project and portfolio benefits.
2. The following details should be provided:
- Select the Benefit Type.
NOTE: When uploading Project Benefits for a Portfolio, Benefit Type defaults to Quantitative (and is disabled) as only Quantitative Benefits can be uploaded for a Portfolio. - Select the Metric Type from the drop-down list. More than one (1) Metric Type can be selected
- Add the attachment by clicking on the Upload Attachment field and selecting the CSV that contains the benefits to be uploaded.
- In the Existing Data Handling field, select either of the following options from the drop-down menu.
- Skip Existing Items, Add New Items- Benefit items in CSV will be uploaded as new Benefit Items. Existing Benefit items will NOT be updated.
- Overwrite Existing Items, Add New Items- Benefit Items in CSV will be uploaded. Existing Benefit Items will be updated, provided that the Benefit ID of a Benefit Row in the CSV file matches the Benefit ID of an existing Benefit Item in the system.
- Select the data from the drop-down list for the Project Id Column field.
NOTE: For project benefits added at portfolio level, an additional field must be completed “Project ID Column”. This helps to identify that the project to which the benefit(s) can be attributed. The Project ID can be found in the project settings of each portfolio.
Project benefits can be uploaded within a portfolio when:
- Project is manually assigned to Portfolio, and
- User is assigned to the Project/Projects with ability to add/update benefits for the project/projects, OR
- Project is in a sub-portfolio, and the user is assigned to the project/projects of the main and sub-portfolios with permission to add/update benefits.
- Select the data from the drop-down list for the Benefits Tracking Data (first column) field.
3. Click the Next button.
Below the page is the CSV Import History section, which tracks the following:
- Successful Import Records- Number of items that were uploaded successfully over the number of items in the CSV
- Records Overwritten- Number of items that were overwritten during the import
- Records Skipped- Number of items that were skipped during the import
- Failed Import Records- Number of items that were NOT uploaded due to data errors over the number of items in the CSV
- Uploaded On- The date and time the CSV was uploaded
- Uploaded By- The user who uploaded the CSV file
4. In the Benefits Tracking Module Data Mapping section, choose the “PFHQ Benefits Tracking (Quantitative) Module Mapping” option in the Saved Mapping field from the drop-down menu.
5. The required data fields will then auto-populate based on the data of your CSV document. Non-required fields may either be populated or not based on your CSV document.
6. Click the Import button once done.
7. A notification message will appear stating that the upload was successful. Click the Finish button to continue.
- If you tick the Save as Custom Mapping checkbox the custom mapping will be saved in the system for future use.
- Choosing the Import Header Row Data option will import the data starting from the column header of the CSV document that you uploaded.
Please note of the following validations for each field in CSV Import Mapping.
- Benefit ID- Values should follow this syntax: BE_<number> (Example: BE_0001)
- Benefit Name- Up to 250 characters
- Description- Up to 5000 characters
- Assumptions- Up to 5000 characters
- Priority- Value should be from the given options (Insignificant, Minor, Moderate, Major, Mandatory)
- Benefit Category- Value should be from the list of Benefit Categories as set in the Company Settings
- Benefit Sub-Category- Value should be from the list of Benefit Sub-Categories associated with the selected Benefit Category
- Metric Type- Value should be from the given options (Financial, Number, Percentage, Label)
- Benefit Cost Type (Financial ONLY)- Value should be from the list of Cost Types as set in the Company Settings
- Owner- Value should be from the list of users as set in Project Settings -> Assigned Key Users.
- Validator- Value should be from the list of users as set in Project Settings -> Assigned Key Users
- Label (Label ONLY)- Up to 100 characters
- Plan/ Forecast/ Actual- Depending on Metric Type, Quantitative values are numeric. Qualitative values are alphanumeric.
- Cost Centre ID Name (Financial ONLY)- Up to 50 characters)
- Cost Centre ID Value (Financial ONLY)- Should equal 100%. If there are 2 or more Cost Centre IDs, values should sum up to 100%.
- Project Department Name- Name should be from the list of Project Departments as set in the Company Settings
- Project Department Value- Should equal 100%. If there are 2 or more departments, values should sum up to 100%.
- Project Category Name- Name should be from the list of Project Categories as set in the Company Settings
- Project Category Value- Should equal 100%. If there are 2 or more categories, values should sum up to 100%.
- Update Note (for existing Benefit Items ONLY) - Up to 5000 characters
- Benefits Tracking Start Date- Value should be within the set Benefits Tracking Start Date and End Date in the Project
- Benefits Tracking End Date- Value should be within the set Benefits Tracking Start Date and End Date in the Project