Filter Program Risk Register

You can Filter the Program Risk Register table by Department, Status or Score.

1. Click the ‘Risks’ tab from the left sidebar of the Program page. Once done, navigate to the ‘Program Risk Register’ section.



2. To filter the ‘Program Risk Register’ by Department, click the ‘Department’ drop down menu then choose the desired data to display. This will display all Risks from All Departments or from the selected Department based on the projects listed in the Program.


3. To filter the ‘Program Risk Register’ by Project, click the ‘Project’ drop down menu then choose desired data to display. This will display all Risks from All Projects or from selected Project base on projects listed in the Program.


4. You can also filter the ‘Program Risk Register’ by Risk Score. To do that, click the ‘Score’ drop down menu then choose the desired data to display:

  • All Risk - Displays all risks recorded in the projects consisting of all scores
  • Low (1-5) - Displays all risks recorded in the projects consisting of scores from 1 to 5
  • Normal (6-12) - Displays all risks recorded in the projects consisting of scores from 6 to 12
  • High (13-25) - Displays all risks recorded in the projects consisting of scores from 13 to 25