1. Manage Approver Responsibilities at a Company Level
- To update the ‘Company Profile Settings’, login to FocusHQ using your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’.
- Once logged in you will reach the Company’s Homepage. Go to the Top Navigation, hover over your ‘Company Name’ then click on the ‘Edit’ icon as shown below.
Note: Only Users with access to the Company Profile can edit this page.
1. Within the Company Profile, scroll down to the ‘Approver Responsibilities’ section. This is the section where you can assign a responsibility to a User Role.
This is to remove confusion as to who can approve or do what at a company level.
2. Once you’ve reach the ‘Approver Responsibilities’ section:
- Tick the checkboxes to make a ‘Company Role’ or a ‘Project Department’ an approver (E.g. The Project Department can approve Pipeline: Opportunities, Portfolio Manager can approve Pipeline: Kick Off projects etc.).
- Untick the checkboxes to remove an Approver’s right from a Role.
Tick boxes are only applicable for the following Responsibilities:
- ‘Pipeline: Opportunity Approver’
- ‘Pipeline: Kick-Off Approver’
- ‘Portfolio: Setup’
- ‘Portfolio: Close Initiator’
- ‘Portfolio: Close Approver’
Note: Company Roles with unticked boxes don’t have the ability to update or approve any Pipeline, Project, Portfolio or Program.
3. For the remaining Responsibilities: ‘Project: Start Approver’, ‘Project: Close Initiator’, ‘Project: Close Approver’, each company role can be assigned as an approver at a ‘Company level’, or ‘Project Specific’. To do this, click the dropdown menu and choose the appropriate data (E.g. Stakeholder can’t start a project, Portfolio Manager is the Project Start Approver at a Company Level etc.).
Also, to make the ‘Project Department’ an approver, tick the box as shown below.
To remove an Approver’s right from a Role, untick the box or choose ‘No’ if there’s a dropdown menu.