1. Portfolio Budget Trend


To check the Portfolio’s Budget Trend, click the ‘Budget Management’ tab from the left side bar of the page. Once done, hover over the ‘Budget Trend’ located at the upper right corner of the page.



Trend Period:

A ‘Trend Period’ is equal to 1 calendar month


Trend History:

Displays the previous 4 periods of the trend


Current Trend Update Frequency:

Every update, edit, addition, etc to the Budget section within the current trend period


Trend Icon Calculation:

  • Improved:
    If the ‘Actual Cost’ for the period (month) is less than or equal to -5% of ‘Planned Costs’
  • No Change:
    If the ‘Actual Cost’ for the period (month) is between -5% and +5% of ‘Planned Costs’
  • Worsened:
    If the ‘Actual Cost’ for the period (month) is greater than or equal to +5% of ‘Planned Costs’


Budget Trend Items:

  • Total Detailed Costs Variance - (the SUM of ALL 'Actual Portfolio Costs' for the Period) DIVIDED BY (the SUM of ALL 'Planned Portfolio Costs' for the Period) TIMES (100) - this will create the % Calculation


IMPORTANT: The trend will for every PAST period will always be dynamic as the 'Actual Costs' can be updated and edited at any time


Budget Trend Calculations: