1. Project Type – Assign Key User           


1. Within the Company Profile, navigate to the ‘Default Settings’ section then ‘Project Types’. This is the section where you can manage different ‘Project Types’.


2. Click the Project Type Name or the ‘Edit’ Icon.



3. Once done, you will reach the Project Type Settings page.  Scroll to the ‘Assigned Key Users’ section. This is where you can add and manage  Key Roles. 


Click the ‘+ Assign User’ button.


4. Select a ‘Role’ and a ‘Member’ to be assigned from the dropdown menu.

Click ‘Add Member’ button to save changes and go back to the Project Type Settings main page.

Click ‘Add Member and Another’ button to save and do another Key Role Assignment.


Below are the following available Roles:

  • Stakeholder
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Program Manager
  • Control Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Co-Dependent
  • Team Member