1. Navigate to Resource Utilisation
- To navigate to the ‘People’ section, open the Project Focus HQ tool using this link https://app.projectfocushq.com/accounts/login/.
- Login using your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ and click on the ‘Log-in’ button.
- Once logged in you will reach your Company’s Homepage. Go to the Top Navigation and click on ‘People’.
Note: Only Users with global access to ‘People’ can update this page.
1. Within ‘People’, navigate to the ‘Company Resources’ section and click on the ‘Resource Utilisation’ button as shown below as shown below.
2. You can change the display of the table by Users-Filter. Click on the Users-filter dropdown menu and choose the kind of users you want to display (‘Active Users’ or ‘All Users’ or ‘Inactive Users’).
3. To change the display of the table based on the Time Period, click on the Time Period-Filter dropdown menu and choose between ‘Weekly’ or ‘Monthly’.
4. In order to display the Resource Utilisation table based on a specific From and To dates, you can click on the Calendar Selector and choose the dates that you want to display.
5. To search a Resource, enter the Resource Name in the Search box then press enter.