1. Delete a Company Resource
1. Within ‘People’, scroll to the ‘Company Resources’ section and click on the ‘Name’ of the Team Member that you want to remove as shown below.
Note: You can filter the Company Resource section by ‘All Users’, ‘Active Users’ or ‘Inactive Users’.
2. Once done, you will reach the Team Member Details’ page. This is the section where you can remove Resources and edit their Project Associations.
Check on the ‘Project Association’ section if there’s any Project assigned to the resource. If there is, proceed to the next step else proceed to Step 5
3. Go to the ‘Projects Associations’ section and click on the ‘Edit’ button.
4. Scroll to each Project Association and click on the Delete ‘x’ icon. Once done, save changes by clicking on the ‘Update’ button.
5. After successfully removing all of the ‘Projects’ associated to the Resource, click on the ‘Remove Member’ button located on the top right corner of the page.
6. A pop-up window will appear for confirmation. Click on the ‘Delete’ button to completely remove the Member’s data in the Company.