Update Program Monthly Report
1. Go to the ‘Program Reporting’ section by clicking the ‘Reporting’ tab from the left side bar of the page. Once done, click the ID of the ‘Monthly Report’ or the ‘Edit Draft’ button.
2. Then you will reach the ‘Edit Report’ section.
Add the necessary changes in the Report Options section as shown below.
If you want to add another recipient of the report that is external or internal to the project, click on the ‘+ Add Another Recipient’ link and then add the ‘Email Address’ of the recipient.
3. To add more elements to the Weekly Report, click the ‘+ Add Section’ link.
- Go to the Modules section and click the element(s) to be added.
- Go to the Appendices section and click the element(s) to be added.
4. You can add a comment in each element of the Report.
Below are the Modules and Appendices that can be added in the Report:
- Executive Summary - Portfolio Manager's Summary of the metric presented in the report. This includes any information or explanation of the data, concerns or remediation's to the project if needed.
- Safety and Environment - Section about Incidents/injuries that have happened in the Projects within the Portfolio including updates, current status, concerns, or upcoming changes to the project.
- Risk for Escalation - Only displays escalated risks within the project and not all risks. An escalated Risk is when the risk score is too high, the end date has passed or has manually be selected as an escalated risk. Risks should be escalated if they are detrimental to the success of the project or create a high risk in schedule, scope, budget, or final product.
- Issues for Escalation - Only displays escalated issues within the project and not all issues. An escalated issue is when the issue has a high priority, the end date has passed or has manually be selected as an escalated issue. Issues should be escalated if they are detrimental to the success of the project or create a major issue in schedule, scope, budget, or final product.
- Project Summary - List of all the Projects which belongs to this portfolio. The list includes all projects that are scheduled, in progress or closed in order to keep a record of all related projects within the portfolio. This is important for maintaining the overall portfolio body of knowledge for information sharing between projects (risks, issues, known knowledge).
- Milestone Summary - The milestones will help track progress for where the project is at a higher level. This helps the project team see at a higher visibility (10,000 ft. view) where the project is, and where it should be at any given point.
- Cost Summary - Overall review of the cost at a high level showing the total cost and allocation for the project. As a PM, this is crucial to review on a regular basis to see if the project as a whole is within budget, or if it going too far over or under budget. Reviewing the baseline, cost to date, and variation metrics allows the PM to see where the budget is quickly and immediate action should occur if there are concerns.
- Cost Overview - Displays Monthly and Cumulative Portfolio Costs per period so at a high level the cost break down and summary is presented in a big picture for anyone reviewing.
- People - Displays the Resource/Roles (which could be anyone who worked on the project during the reporting time period) allocated per Portfolio Period segmented by each project.
Once all changes are made, click the ‘Save Draft’ button to save changes.