1. Navigate My Coaching Overview

  1. 1. Within the ‘My Coaching’ section, click on the ‘Overview’ tab from the side bar to view the ‘My Coaching Dashboard’ section.  This is the section where can add and manage user request 



My Coaching is a Support Portal for any project resources to create requests to their PMO for assistance on the Project Focus HQ Tool, help with various parts of project management and any other assistance. Each request is retained at the user level and is not visible to other company users. 


  1. 2. To display ‘My Coaching Requests’ table by Projectgo to the ‘Project’  drop-down menu and select any of the following options: 

  • Select ‘All Projects’ – Displays all requests of all Projects assigned to you. 
  • Select a Project – Displays all request of a Project. 



  1. 3. In order tdisplay ‘My Coaching Requests’ table by  Modulego to the Module  drop-down menu and select any of the following options: 

  • Select Modules’ – Displays all requests of all Modules assigned to you. 
  • Select a Module – Displays all request of a Module. 



  1. 4. To search a My Coaching Request, input text in the search field and click the magnifying glass of simply press ENTER key.