Milestone Summary
1. In order to navigate to the ‘Milestone Summary’, click the ‘Overview’ tab from the left sidebar of the page then go to the ‘Milestone Summary’ section.
- Project – the name of the project in the program the milestone belongs to
- Key Milestones – milestones are any major points of the project that show progress and/or completion of scheduled items. A project needs at least one milestone but often large projects can have multiple milestones to support ongoing monitoring and success of the project. Milestones are core reference points within most weekly and monthly reporting
- Overall Completion Dates – outlines the Milestone’s Start and End Dates with their current status, and time difference between what is actually completed versus what is expected to be completed
- Current Progress – comparison between the amount (%) the milestone is actually completed versus the amount (%) the milestone is expected to be completed
2. You can filter the Milestone Summary table by Status. To do that, click the ‘Status’ Dropdown Menu and then select the desired data.
3. To download the Milestone Summary Table, click the option icon as shown below and then choose the file to download (CSV or PDF).