1. Navigate the Project Summary of a Portfolio


1. To navigate to the Portfolio’s ‘Project Summary’click the ‘Overview’ tab from the left side bar of the page then go to the ‘Project Summary’ section.  


  • Overall – the Status and Trend of the Overall Project 
  • Schedule – the Status and Trend of the Overall Schedule 
  • Cost – the Status and Trend of the Overall Cost 
  • Risk – the Status and Trend of the Overall Risk 
  • Issue – the Status and Trend of the Overall Issue 
  • Total Cost – the current budget of the Project 
  • FFC – the forecast budget of the Project 
  • PM Name – the Program Manager of the Project 
  • End Date – the date the project will end 
  • Stakeholders – assigned stakeholder of the Project 
  • Project Sponsor – Sponsor of the Project is the person who is in charge of the project from a leadership perspective and has influence over the project and direct ownership of the area. Sponsor can help remove roadblocks and issues, as well as provide guidance and resources 




2. In order to filter the Portfolio’s ‘Project Summary’ by Status, click the ‘Status’ dropdown menu and then select the desired data to display: All Status’‘Open’‘Closed’‘Kick-Off’ and ‘Live’. 



3. To search a specific Project, input the Project name in the search field. Once done, click the magnifying glass or press ENTER key. 



4. You can download the ‘Project Summary’ by clicking the download icon. Then choose the file to download: CSV or PDF.