1. Video
You can check the video on how to upload Benefit Items within the Project.
2. Upload Benefits Tracking Using Skip Rows
1. To navigate the Benefits Tracking page, open Project Focus HQ tool using this link: https://app.projectfocushq.com/accounts/login/.
2. Login using your Username and Password and hit the Log-in button.
3. Once logged in you will reach the Company’s Homepage, within the Tiles section, navigate to the Project Dashboard by clicking the All Projects tile or Projects from the top navigation.
4. In the Project Dashboard section, click on the Name of the Project that you want to manage.
Note: In this section, you can only see the Projects assigned to you unless the administrator has provided you a Company Access Level to all Projects.
5. Once a project is selected, go to the left sidebar and click on Benefits Tracking as shown below.
6. In the Benefits Tracking page, click the Upload Benefits button.
7. Once you’re in the Benefit Tracking - CSV Import Details, fill-in the required information and what is asked:
- Select the Benefit Type.
- Select the Metric Type from the drop-down list. You can add and select more than one (1) Metric Type.
- Click the upload button and Attach the CSV template of the Benefit Tracking that will be uploaded.
- In the Existing Data Handling field, select Skip Rows from the drop-down menu.
- Select the data from the drop-down list for the Benefits Tracking Data (first column) field.
8. Click the Next button.
9. In the Benefits Tracking Module Data Mapping section, choose the “PFHQ Benefits Tracking (Quantitative/ Qualitative) Module Mapping” option in the Saved Mapping field from the drop-down menu.
10. The required data fields will then auto-populate based on the data of your CSV document. Non-required fields may either be populated or not based on your CSV document.
11. Click the Import button once done.
12. A notification page will appear stating that the upload was successful. Click the Finish button to continue.
- If you tick the Save as Custom Mapping checkbox the custom mapping will be saved in the system for future use.
- Choosing the Import Header Row Data option will import the data starting from the column header of the CSV document that you uploaded.