1. Set-up Change Control Settings

1. To Set-up Email Notifications, click the ‘Settings’ tab from the left sidebar of the Project. Once done, go to the ‘Notification Settings’ > ‘Module Notifications’ section then scroll to ‘Change Control’.

  • Tick the checkbox to enable the sending of Email Notifications (per Key Role) for every Add / Update Change Control.
  • Untick the checkbox to disable the sending of Email Notifications (per Key Role) for every Add / Update Change Control.




2. To Set-up Approver Responsibilities, click the ‘Settings’ tab from the left sidebar of the Project. Once done go to the ‘Project Approver Responsibilities’ section then scroll to the ‘Change Control Approver’ section.

  • Tick the checkbox to assign a Key Role as a Change Control Approver.
  • Untick the checkbox to remove a Key Role a Change Control Approver.


3. Navigate to the Project ‘Settings’ and then go to the ‘Project Role Responsibilities’ > ‘Project: Change Control’ section. This is the section where you can set-up the User role. Assign a key role to each user, below are the three options/access:

  • Update- user can ‘Add, Edit, or Remove’ Change Control
  • View- user can see change control but cannot ‘Add, Edit, or Remove’
  • None- cannot update even view change control