1. Navigate Project Change Control
- To navigate to the ‘Project Change Control’ page, open Project Focus HQ tool using this link https://app.projectfocushq.com/accounts/login/.
- Login using your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ and click the ‘Log-in’ button.
- Once logged in you will reach the Company’s Homepage, within the ‘Tiles’ section, navigate to ‘Project Dashboard’ by clicking the ‘All Projects’ tile or clicking ‘Projects’ from the main navigation and selecting 'Projects' from the dropdown list.
- In the ‘Project Dashboard’ section, click the ‘Name’ of the ‘Project’ that you want to navigate.
Note: In this section, you can only see the Projects assigned to you unless the administrator has provided you a Company Access Level to all Projects.
- Once a project is selected, go to the left sidebar and click the ‘Change Control’ tab as shown below.