1. Device Settings- Importing Focus HQ CSV to Microsoft Project
The section covers both a number of settings to be defined at the local PC user level when CSV is imported into Microsoft Project, and adding Focus HQ fields manually using Microsoft Project.
- Date Format
Since Focus HQ uses a Date Format of dd/mm/yyyy (AUS), Microsoft Project defaults need to be updated to reflect this by:
a. Setting the Region & Language Default:
- Click File > Options.
- Click Language
- § Under Language, make sure English (Australia) has been added as enabled Language
- § Set English (Australia) as the Default Language
- § Click ‘OK’ button to save
b. Date Formatting:
- § Click File > Options.
- § Click General.
- § Under Project view, set Default View = Gantt with Timeline
- § Set from the option the Date format dd/mm/yyyy
- § Click “OK” button to save.
*Note: This change will take effect next time Microsoft Project is open. May need to close the existing Microsoft Project first and re-open it. All future Microsoft Projects will already follow the Set Date Formatting.
2. Adding Focus HQ specific Schedule fields in MS Project
Text fields will need to be customised for the additional functionality provided by Focus HQ to mark a task as one or more of the following:
- Deliverables
- Activities
- Effort & Effort Units
- Portfolio Milestone
- Add Notes
3. How to Add a Custom Field:
- On the Tools menu, go to Project and then click Customize.
- Click Task if the field is to be available in Task Views or click Resource if the field is to be available in Resource Views. Select the Type of Field you are customizing from the Type List.
- Click Rename to permanently rename the field in this project. Type the new name in the dialog box that appears, and then click OK.
4. Under Custom Attributes, choose how you want the data in the field to be entered. If you want the custom field to use a list — for example, to create a list of different costs centre in your organization — click Lookup. In the dialog box that appears, enter each list item in the Value column, choose whether you want one of the list items to appear by default, and then click Close.
5. Under Calculation for Task and Group Summary Rows, choose how you want the values in your custom field to roll up. That is, how the values are summarized at the task and group summary levels for this custom field.
NOTE: Outline code and text fields do not roll up. Also, the Use formula option is only available if you have defined a formula for the field, under Custom Attributes.
6. Under Calculation for Assignment Rows, choose how you want the values in the custom field to be distributed.
7. Under Values to Display, choose how you want the data in the custom field to be displayed.
8. Click Graphical Indicators to specify the criteria and associated indicator images to be displayed in the field in place of data.