1. Complete a Quality Review

1. To complete a ‘Quality Review’, click ‘Quality Management’ tab from the left sidebar of the page and then navigate to the ‘Pending Quality’ or ‘Monitor Project Quality’ section. Once done, click the Quality Review that you want to complete.



2. Then go to ‘Compliance Details’ Page, click the ‘Update’ button.



3. Add the necessary data in the form(Compliance Review Description, Work Stream, Planned Reviews). Once done, click the ‘Update Review’ button save the information.


4. A Completed Quality Management Review must have the following criteria:

  • Planned Review should not be equal to 0
  • Actual Review should not be equal to 0
  • There should be a document uploaded
  • If an Issue is identified, that Issue should be closed
  • Issue Register Updated should be ‘Yes’