1. Video

You can check the video for a walkthrough of how to upload Action Items/ Meetings in the project.

2. Process in Uploading Actions, Decision, Dependency and Meetings

The uploading actions functionality only works for new action, decision, dependency and meeting items only.

 1. In uploading actions, go to action tracking page and click the Upload Actions  button on the upper right corner.



 2. In Upload Actions, you can download the Sample CSV Data for the proper document to be uploaded.


 3. In the Sample CSV data, you can modify the following:

  • Module
  • Item
  • Type
  • Work Stream
  • Description
  • Assigned to
  • Participants
  • Due Date (dd/mm/yyyy)



 4. Once completed in populating the file, save as a CSV and attach the file in the upload actions.


 5. Once attached, click Import

6. Once imported, there are yellow validations that are warnings in the document. Red validation needs to be corrected so that the import can go through. The below validation is just a warning. Click ‘Yes, Import’  so that the Action Tracking for Action, Decision, Dependency or Meetings can be imported.



 7. Once imported, the Action, Decision, Dependency or Meeting type will be reflected in the Action Tracking page.