1. Navigate Project Schedule


1. Navigate to the ‘Project Schedule’ section within the ‘Project Overview’ page.

Moved the Vertical line separator to the left to view the Gantt Chart and move it to the right to view the Schedule text field.


2. You can filter the view of the Project Schedule by 'Participant' assigned to the Task.

You can also filter the view of the Project Schedule by 'WBS' level (‘WBS 1’, ‘WBS 2’, ‘WBS 3’, etc.)


To download the Project Schedule, click the ‘Download’ icon. Once done, choose the file to download: ‘Download CSV’ or ‘Download PDF’.

To search by schedule, enter the schedule in the search field and then click the magnifying glass icon or press ENTER.


3. Go to ‘1.3 Overall Project Trend’ to check how the ‘Project Progress Trend’ is calculated.

4. To see the progress of all projects, navigate to the ‘Overall Project Progress’ as shown below.