1. Overall Project Trend
Within the Project Overview, hover over the ‘Project Trend’ at the top right corner of the page.
- Trend Period: A ‘‘Trend Period’ is equal to 1 calendar week except for Budget which is per 1 calendar month
- Trend History: Displays the previous 4 periods of the trend
- Current Trend Update Frequency: Every update, edit, addition, etc to the Budget section within the current trend period
Trend Icon:
- Improved: No ‘Worsened’ trends across all Trend Modules (Budget, Schedule, Risks and Issues)
- No Change: Only 1 ‘Worsened’ trend across all Trend Modules (Budget, Schedule, Risks and Issues)
- Worsened: 2 or more ‘Worsened’ trends across all Trend Modules (Budget, Schedule, Risks and Issues
Overall Project Trend Calculations: