1. Project Schedule Module Introduction
The Project Schedule module is split into four sections:
A. Project Dates - Controls the start and finish dates of the Project Schedule
B. Overall Project Status - Status bar displaying how the project is tracking against plan
C. Project Schedule - Project schedule both Grid and Gantt Chart views
D. Milestone Summary - Table of all tasks marked as milestones
- Create individual schedule for planning and Mobilisation Phase (Pipeline Schedule) and Project Delivery (Execution Schedule)
- Option to update directly in Project Focus HQ or update external project plan like Microsoft Project or Excel and upload into Project Focus HQ via CSV file
- Tasks within the schedule can be automatically tagged as Project Milestones, Portfolio Milestones, Deliverables and/or Activities
- Each task can be assigned to resources, connected as a predecessor, attributed to an appropriate WBS Level, and compared a baseline to actuals
- A schedule that is readily available to all project resources ensures collaboration, teams updating their own tasks and real-time feedback
- Project Focus HQ automatically rolls-up schedules to various levels (Company Level, Portfolio Level, Sub Portfolio Level and Project Level).
- Schedule data can be downloadable via CSV or PDF.