1. Approval or Rejection of Project Budget
Approval is required for the following budget cost item actions.
- Add New Budget Cost Item
- Update existing Budget Cost Item
- Delete existing Budget Cost Item
If ‘Approval’ access is not granted, the action will remain in ‘Pending’ mode until the approver either approves or rejects the change.
- Access the relevant project. Click for instructions on how to locate the project dashboard based on project status (e.g. Planning Project or Execution Project).
- Select ‘Budget’ from the sidebar menu.
- Navigate to ‘Pending Costs’ section.
- Click on the Budget Item ‘ID’ or "WBS" of the cost to be reviewed to access the ‘Budget – Cost Details’ page.
On the ‘Budget – Cost Details’ page, click "Update" button.
Once navigated to the Update Cost page, Approver will review budget cost item and determine if change to be accepted/approved or rejected.
To approve the budget cost item:
- Click on either the ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ button within the ‘Budget – Cost Details’ page.
- Once all pending budget cost items have been actioned by the Approver, the ‘Pending Costs’ section will disappear and the Detailed Cost section will include the approved changes.