1. Project Budget Update Actual Cost Item
Actual costs updates can be inputted for past and current period, based on actual financial data from the financial system. Historical data can be changed at any time, should there be a change in the financial system spending.
- Access the relevant project. Click for instructions on how to locate the project dashboard based on project status (e.g. Planning Project or Execution Project).
- Select ‘Budget’ from the sidebar menu.
- Navigate to ‘Detailed Cost’ table.
- Click on the ‘Budget Item ID’ or "WBS" of the cost to be updated to navigate to the Budget – Cost Details page.
- Click on the ‘Update’ button within the ‘Budget – Cost Details’ page.
- Once navigated to the Update Cost page, enter the monthly Actual values within the "Actual Cost" field (applicable to past and current periods only).
- Click on the ‘Add Cost Period’ button to extend the monthly periods. Note: Must be within Project Forecast finish date
- Click ‘Update Cost’ to save the details.
2. Project Budget Update Actual Cost via CSV Import
Actual costs updates can be inputted for past and current period, based on actual financial data from the financial system. Historical data can be changed at any time, should there be a change in the financial system spending.
Ensure the CSV file for updating existing project actual cost item has been created with all mandatory fields populated. See example below. click here to review full template table.
- To import CSV, click here for Project Budget CSV Import Process instructions.